Is there a way to see your own reputation rating in comparasion to every other civ? Right now I am playing a game, on a huge planet and on Pangea land mass. After the land grab, every other civ has declared war on me, for no reason whatsoever. It was the damndest thing. I have played civ3 for awhile, but this game was the most hostile, I have ever seen the other civs. I would not even attack their cities. I would lose a few cities on the edges of the "empire" then try to get peace. I was attacked like this quite a few times. What I don't understand, is that somehow, my reputation went into the crapper onlong the way.
It is really incredible. Even after all of the lost cities, I was still larger then all of them, but my military has never been the same and at times they were ahead of me in the tech race. One time, the Greeks and Russians simultaniously declared war on me. I did notice that someone would go to war with me, right before I got a certain tech advance. Right before, I got steam engine, right before I got replaceable parts. It seemed that the new tech advance was what saved me from being overrun. meaing railroads and infantry. What I don't understand, is that this was really unprovoked, I always try to play reletively peaceful, until later. Any insigts on this, would be helpful. I had pretty much given up on any "normal" ending of this particular game. So, I have starting razing the cities of any one that attacked me.
It is really incredible. Even after all of the lost cities, I was still larger then all of them, but my military has never been the same and at times they were ahead of me in the tech race. One time, the Greeks and Russians simultaniously declared war on me. I did notice that someone would go to war with me, right before I got a certain tech advance. Right before, I got steam engine, right before I got replaceable parts. It seemed that the new tech advance was what saved me from being overrun. meaing railroads and infantry. What I don't understand, is that this was really unprovoked, I always try to play reletively peaceful, until later. Any insigts on this, would be helpful. I had pretty much given up on any "normal" ending of this particular game. So, I have starting razing the cities of any one that attacked me.