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RR's with no resources...

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  • RR's with no resources...

    I was playing a game on the small antartida (sic) map included with PtW... There are NO resources on it, no luxuries, not even bonus grassland squares. I figured WTH and went with the Indians to have a good unit . Nice that Elephants require no resources.

    ANYWHO... I figured it would end up being all roads, only rifleman, guerillas, artillery, my war elleys, and galleons.

    I got RR's by razing cities and then building another city right next to it! Now I understand that when you get Steam Power all of your city squares are automatically upgraded to RR's... but there is NO iron or coal on this map!

    Mebbe the city squares should NOT upgrade unless the resources are available... a BUG it is, aye?

    I just didn't like those RR's appearing... but I *COULD* raze them I guess if I want my troops moving slower as they slowly conquer the cold (well not really in this mod ) land.


  • #2
    It seems like you're playing a mod where you don't need reasources to build rr's.
    cIV list: cheats
    Now watch this drive!


    • #3
      Nope, I am playing standard rules on a map with NO RESOURCES whatsoever...

      I can't build RR's, but city squares are still upgraded to RR's...

      I moved a city ONE SQUARE away from where it was (I didn't like the Chinese AI's placement) and there was a RR from the old square to the new city square.

      I understand what is happening, but what I am saying is that I think city squares should not get automatically upgraded to RR's UNLESS YOU HAVE THE REQUIRED RESOURCES.

      Kinda makes things screwey playing with no resources.

      Try it though! it is quite a challenge...


      • #4
        It's called Antardida (no sic) because it's supposed to be a planet with a warm Antartica type continent. I'm guessing that it was made before the winter terrain was available.


        • #5
          I suspect the author of the map called it Antartida, because that's what Antartica is called in the author's native (probably Slavic) language.

