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Problems loading saved MP games after crash

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  • Problems loading saved MP games after crash

    Okay, this is my first post to this forum, so bare with me (pun intended.)

    Has anybody else been having trouble loading MP games after a crash? After a crash this evening a group of us tried for about half an hour to reload a 4 person MP game from an autosave. We got it to work once, but then it crashed again after 1 turn.

    After that we would try again and again, but for some reason, one of the player spaces would suddenly be blank (i.e. that player couldn't select a civ.)

    In the middle of us this, one of the players quit and we brought in another player to take his place. We even went so far as to go in, in the original order we were in the original game, but to no avail. The only thing we didn't try was to change the new player's name to that of the old player.

    Am I making any sense at all?

    Were we doing something wrong? Have any of you experienced similar problems loading old games? Can I blame this all on Firaxis and relieve my guilt and shame?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Sign my snarling doggy!

  • #2
    Depends how it crashed... if it was an Out of Synch problem, try reloading the resynch.sav and if that doesn't work, try 1 of the last 5 autosavs


    • #3
      Response to previous post

      What originally happened is that one of the players seemed to time out, so it didn't save to the resynch file, only to autosave.

      I tried three different autosaves, none of them made any difference.

      For some reason the "#2 position" always was blank, not showing the player's name or civ, even though he was there. So for him there was nothing to choose.

      Sign my snarling doggy!


      • #4
        The save file is probably corrupted.. the thing is that I'm impressed that one of the autosav didn't worked... there's like 5 different ones.


        • #5
          Always hard reboot (power off & on, not just reset) all the PC's involved as well Sometimes that helps!


          • #6
            LAN or internet game?

            I've had LAN games do the same thing. Even going back a few turns in the autosave doesn't seem to help. Invariably, by late in the game (Modern Era), the game seems to crash after every turn while playing on the LAN.

            Thus, my only MP experience to have any success has been hotseat. I presume PBEM is OK, too. It's a bug that Firaxis is supposed to be working on, but I'm not holding my breath.
            Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


            • #7
              Originally posted by FNBrown
              LAN or internet game?
              Thanks for the advice, folks. We did not, in fact, reboot our internet game, although going back to the lobby and restarting the process from there seemed to help a little bit.

              I feel that since ptw games tend to last so long (well, except for a few Elimination games I've played ), or crash with such regularity, Firaxis should really make sure that reloading works without problems. Well, actually, I guess having them not crash in the first place would be even more important.
              Sign my snarling doggy!

