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Corruption and waste should be tied to happiness

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  • Corruption and waste should be tied to happiness

    More people are happy=less crime and better quality of labor. This should not only take effect when you have a we love the ... day (which doesn't do much for corruption and waste anyway). It could also be on a time delay, because the effect of better living conditions take time to yield results. What do you think?

  • #2
    almost anything would be an improvement

    the current system now assumes Washington is the least corrupt city in the country


    • #3
      Anything to reduce corruption would be good.

      I do wish happiness had more of an effect.


      • #4
        I would like to see some sort of benefits linked to standard of living. eg. Holland is much smaller than Russia population wise, but their economies are roughly the same size. So the standard of living in the Netherlands would be roughly 5-10 times higher than in Russia (going by GDP/capita). I wish there was a way of winning Civ3 by increase your population's standard of living enough, it would give smaller Civs (population wise) a more importnant role.


        • #5
          corruption tied to happiness does make sense in some ways.

          in addition to this, i think that the idea that corruption increases the further away the cities get from the capital (or fp) is only applicable until late industrial or modern times. the issue of distance from central command no longer becomes a problem, because travel and communications are so much better. they might be able to remedy this by letting your civ build something like an fbi headquaters after you discover a certain technology. then you could build fbi branch offices in your remaining cities to stabilize your corruption.

          then, you could have another sliding meter where you can choose how much gold you put toward corruption control. they could even make it relevant to the happiness meter in that too much gold toward corruption control decreases happiness (ie oppression).


          • #6
            Re: Corruption and waste should be tied to happiness

            Originally posted by Ben Williams
            you have a we love the ... day (which doesn't do much for corruption and waste anyway).
            WLT_D does not affect corruption (gold) at all. It lowers waste (shields) only.


            • #7
              I agree with the idea of corruption decreasing with increasing always seemed a little odd to me that when you're building satellites you still have to worry about the cities off in the distance 'skimming the till' and so on. The answer "so switch to Communism" doesn't fly, either, but I won't get into a debate of the corruption of various governments.

              On the other hand, I readily admit I don't know how efficient/corrupt truly far-flung 'colonies' (not sure how to phrase it, no semantic intent) of a democracy are in the real world- the economies of Hawaii and other Pacific islands tied to the United States ( I think this is the best case of capital-to-city distance in a democracy?) are completely unknown to me.
              Friedrich Psitalon
              Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
              Consultant, Firaxis Games


              • #8
                I think that would be a great idea, Ben Williams...with increased war weariness it could help to reduce the advantages of pure war mongers and help builders who have lots of improvements


                • #9
                  HOW ABOUT corruption and waste tied to cultural influence. this way cities with large culture can serve the role of the 'palace', and the forbidden palace isnt needed


                  • #10
                    I'd actually prefer corruption tied to a civs total culture...


                    • #11
                      Re: almost anything would be an improvement

                      Originally posted by HolyWarrior
                      the current system now assumes Washington is the least corrupt city in the country

                      There is a problem with that model, isn't there?
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

