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  • aarrgghh

    ok has anyone one heard of how i could fix PLay the world so i can at least get past modernage without it crashing.

    I have a legit copy.
    1.14f patch
    512 RAM
    1.33Ghz AMD T-bird
    Nividia gforce4 card latest drivers
    windows xp Pro all updates including SP1

    I have tried reinstalling numerous times.
    Changed graphic settings to many different ones.
    Made it so nothing else starts when i turn on my computer.
    defragged, virus checked, etcetcetc.

    can anyone help?
    Last edited by typongtive2; December 28, 2002, 00:40.
    1.33 amd t-bird
    512 megs RAM
    100+ hard drive space

  • #2

    Sounds like you've been pretty thorough. I’ve not had this problem but here are some possibilities 1. Antivirus etc disabled pre install? 2. Perhaps the PTW CD is bad. Were you able to play to modern age before the patches? 3. Did you download the patches hardwired rather than wirelessly?

    Hope you get it working
    The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.

    Anatole France


    • #3
      I also have some strange crashes after modernage. It always happen while executing AI's turn or automated workers' actions.

      I have read somewhere a strange way to fix that: reload an autosave game and redo that crashing turn WHILE KEEPING THE SHIFT KEY DOWN !!!

      It works very fine. Maybe you will have to do that several times, let's say 4 or 5 times for a whole game.

      I hope it will help you.


      • #4

        ok i will try that. should i just keep the shift down or only use it after a game crashes and i reload it?
        1.33 amd t-bird
        512 megs RAM
        100+ hard drive space


        • #5
          Keeping SHIFT down (not shift-lock) seems to prevent some crashes. So, if you crash, reload and replay with SHIFT down until you pass through this crashing-turn.

          Playing with SHIFT always down would not be comfortable, so just use it for 1 or 2 turns after crash-reload.


          • #6

            well it didnt work. I am going to start a new game and try it with that game just in case my save file was corrupted. Man i really want to play

            i appreciate all the help i am getting

            man i really need to stop hitting thread instead of reply lol
            1.33 amd t-bird
            512 megs RAM
            100+ hard drive space


            • #7
              Sorry to be not helpful
              This trick has allowed me to finish some crashing games but your problem maybe not the same as mine.
              Last edited by l.galant; December 30, 2002, 04:42.


              • #8
                How long do you play at a time?

                If you reached modern age in one continuous sitting, consider yourself lucky to get that far. On my P3 600Mhz, I find that crashes come if I play longer than 4 hours at a time.


                • #9
                  On my P3 1000Mhz-384 Mb-XP, crashes come only post modern age, when many things are automatized (clear pollution, ...).
                  I don't think there is a relation between how long I play in continuous and the crashes. If a crash comes, it will be there even if I shut down, restart and reload.
                  Since I know the shift-key trick, it has always allowed me to reload and pass through crashes to complete my games.


                  • #10

                    ok i have noticed one thing it is usually during auto moves. but sometimes i just do it all my self and it still crashes. I will figure this out... i will beat the system lol
                    1.33 amd t-bird
                    512 megs RAM
                    100+ hard drive space


                    • #11
                      Do you know if the AI used nukes? Cuz if it did, you can forget about doing much of anything in your saved game without it crashing. There's a bug associated with their "fix" of the human auto-declaring war on a nuke-using AI. Now you don't automatically declare war, but you can't save, view advisor screens, or anything else worthwhile.


                      • #12
                        nope no nukes, in fact they werent even close yet. good thing to watch for though, thanks
                        1.33 amd t-bird
                        512 megs RAM
                        100+ hard drive space

