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Favorite and Shunned Governments

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  • #16
    Originally posted by WarpStorm
    The problem with the SMAC-like governments is that they would only appeal to the hardcore civ fans (like hang out here). The casual Civ fan would have complained about the complexity. (This is what happened with SMAC, very popular with hardcore, yet unpopular with the casual audience who make up 90% of Firaxis' sales).
    Again, I'm advocating a simpler implementation than SMAC, where each choice caused cascading +/- values to a dozen different societal attributes.

    I think all but the most casual player would find him/herself reacting positively (or am I confusing "positive" with "thoughtful" ...?) when choosing to, e.g., lessen or increase individual liberty, and to have tensions arising between neighbors who have implemented dramatically different extremes of the same.

    ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


    • #17
      I think that most players who frequent this site would like a scheme like that, I know would.
      Seemingly Benign
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      • #18
        The only way I can think of to make it a little more like SMAC would be to have a whole lot of governments like Democracy-Free Market, Republic-Free Market, Republic-Socialist Market. So you pick a government with the economy type you want.

