I noticed reading through the PTW book one day that every civ has its favorite and shunned governments. Does this just mean that they tend to like or dislike other civs with these governments? Or is there a bonus to using the favorite government? Or maybe both?
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Favorite and Shunned Governments
Actually, I asked Soren about this and he said that they will go under a shunned government if it makes good sense to. Hence nearly all civs will go communist in a protracted war and democratic under peace. They are just a little less likely to on any given turn.Seemingly Benign
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I think this could have been a lot more interesting. History shows that nations tend to adopt the governments which are most successful at any point in time.
It would have been interesting also to have had relations strained by government types, so then faced with two big neighbours, one Communist, the other Democratic .. you would have to make a choice with whome you prefer a better working relationship ..
With the advent of mass education, you could also have people power .. maybe the citizens themselves could exert pressure (influenced by a forign power) by civil disobediance, to get the gov type they want.
I guess you could add detail to civ games forever, im just one of those that likes a dynamic system, that is difficult to track and follow like the real world, so its not just as simple as going to democracy as soon as you can. Im sure there are just as many who like to keep it simple."Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
Originally posted by The Viceroy
It would have been interesting also to have had relations strained by government types, so then faced with two big neighbours, one Communist, the other Democratic .. you would have to make a choice with whome you prefer a better working relationship ..
This was actually well implemented in SMAC, with the added twist that it wasn't just "government" but "economy" and "social" models -- and AI Civs with radically different philosophies WOULD declare war on you for ideological reasons ...
-Oz... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...
Yes, thats true .. that was one of the best parts of the SE model in smac, I often find the selection of government to be to formulaeic in civ (and CTP/CTP2 also) ..
It also adds an interesting twist the game, selecting government doesn't become a "As soon as ive invented" issue, more of a "Do i dare select it" ..
I also like the fact that Economics is stripped out of Government, not every Democracy is a market economy, not every democracy has low corruption etc etc .."Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
Why oh why was so much from SMAC left out of Civ3?Up the Irons!
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Odysseus and the March of Time
I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up
As with many things in Dev projects, it was probably considered, prioritised, and never got the importance to get it in the final draft .. When your faced with limited resources, limited time, and bosses who only care about profits, you never get the game you most wished for.
If we remove the business model, and try a fan based project, you end up with an impossible task in drawing up the (whats in and whats not) list .. I guess we will never have the ideal civ .."Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
Originally posted by The Viceroy
As with many things in Dev projects, it was probably considered, prioritised, and never got the importance to get it in the final draft .. When your faced with limited resources, limited time, and bosses who only care about profits, you never get the game you most wished for.
Certainly, a great frustration for me has been the bundling of economic and mode-of-governance together into a single thing called "Government"!
I'm practically jumping through hoops (well, not that that isn't fun, metaphorically anyway) trying to build the considerations of religion into government and society development ...
... and think I'm doing a pretty good job ...
... But still ...
-Oz... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...
Actually the real reason (as stated by one of the devs) was that SE similar to SMAC would be unrealistic in the present world.....but it still would've been nice to have. One of the hardest parts of that game was selecting exactly which systems to use to best benifit your faction AND keep some semblance of peace until your ready for war.I AM.CHRISTIAN
Originally posted by Switch
Actually the real reason (as stated by one of the devs) was that SE similar to SMAC would be unrealistic in the present world.....but it still would've been nice to have. One of the hardest parts of that game was selecting exactly which systems to use to best benifit your faction AND keep some semblance of peace until your ready for war.
One axis from "communalism" to pure laissez-faire capitalism; a second axis from libertarian to fascist.
Facism + Capitalism = Authoritarian (think Franco more than Hitler)
Fascism + Communalism = Stalinism
Maybe oh maybe there will be a Civ 4 ... or at least a DIY kit letting us get more to the guts of the engine ...
-Oz... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...
That would be interesting, Ozy.....as you develop the necessary techs, the axise would get longer, allowing more combinations.....
Perhaps a third axis could be added, that would define the type of gevernment, ie how ascension or decision making is done. It could go from monarchial, to electorial (Democratic, etc.), to oligarchial, totalitarian, Republic........imagine the "realistic" possibilities. A Semi-fascist, socialist, republic.
The problem with the SMAC-like governments is that they would only appeal to the hardcore civ fans (like hang out here). The casual Civ fan would have complained about the complexity. (This is what happened with SMAC, very popular with hardcore, yet unpopular with the casual audience who make up 90% of Firaxis' sales).Seemingly Benign
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