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  • Hmm...

    Hello all!

    I was really excited about PTW when I bought it, but now I am really disappointed. First of all; I can't play most of the PTW scenarios, you can't create any good scenarios and the multiplayer sucks! I thought there would be a WW2 scenario in this game like Civ2, but there wasn't. Firaxis said earlier that there would be a WW2 scenario and a Japanese scenario in this game.Why can't you do any good scenarios in this game?. Only modify the game?

    By the way, I got the European version of this game, so no patches for me

    Hope you can answer some of my questions and thoughts.

    One more thing; I got this message when I tried to starta scenario: ERROR READING FILE Missing entry in ''text\Pedialcons.txt''.:ICON_BLDG_Bible What's this ****?
    Last edited by anzor; December 15, 2002, 14:46.

  • #2
    Well, yes, with the unpatched version, MP WILL suck. But be patient: with 1.14f, MP will actually be playable.

    Odd you can't play the scenarios, unless your talking about The Ancient Mediterranean mod, the Double Your Pleasure mod. or TETurkhan's mod, as those three I believe require downloads to add all of the missing graphics. They had to be removed due to copyright issues, and aren't added with the patch as that would make it around 20 MB.

    About the WWII and Japan scenarios.....Firaxis never actually mentioned anything about scenarios for those. They only mentioned including those units. If you look under 'extras' in the PtW folder, you'll find the WWII, Japan, and Dino units, along with the European and Winter terrain.

    Hope that clears up some issues.


    • #3
      Ok, thanks alot. I meant those scenarios.

      The v.1.14 patch has already been released, but only for the US. When will the European version come?

      By the way: Can you place units and other stuff in the editor?


      • #4
        The European patch has already been released. Try one of Infogrames' European sites; doesn't have it.
        Seemingly Benign
        Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


        • #5
          Thanks alot!

