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Extras folder in PTW

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  • Extras folder in PTW

    Does anybody know what the extras folder in PLAY THE WORLD is all about? If someone knows, please point me in the right direction on how to utilize the files in this folder.


  • #2
    It is where the New Unit files exist. The WWII, Dinobarbs, and Feudel Japanese art exists.


    • #3
      How can I use these units in a normal game?
      What do I have to to do with the editor?


      • #4
        First off, move them over to CIV3PTW/Art/Units. Create an entry for them in the editor, give them some stats and save. Add the appropriate lines in PediaIcons.txt. That's it.


        • #5
          Theres also another secret folder called "Jaimo" but you will have to find that on your own


          • #6
            Originally posted by Willem
            First off, move them over to CIV3PTW/Art/Units.
            You don't technically have to move the files (you still have to create entries and stats for them and update pediaicons.txt, though). In your scenario, you can add their path to the Scenario Path in the Scenario Properties. For example, if you added the Medieval Japan units, you can add:
            ..\Extras\Medieval Japan
            to the path and the game will look in that folder first (before it looks in the default PTW folder). Note that if you want both WW2 and Japanese units, for example, you would put something like:
            ..\Extras\Medieval Japan;..\Extras\World War II
            in your path.

            Note also, this will not work in all circumstances because if you have units with the same filenames it will always be loaded out of the first path folder it appears in. The search order is:
            1) All items in Scenario Search Path (in order)
            2) Default Scenario Folder (same name as scenario)
            3) PTW folder
            4) Civ3 folder

            All game assets (art, sounds, text) are found using the search path above. If the asset is not found in any of those folders, you will get an error message.
            Mike Breitkreutz
            FIRAXIS Games


            • #7
              Mike -- any way this could be made more intuitive? Some of us are just "point and click" morons.
              Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


              • #8
                Mike, I hate to bother you for even more features (okay, I'm lying ), but a list with a browser not unlike the Tools->Options->Directories in Visual C++ (you know what I mean Mike?) to fill in the path might be a little easier for the point-and-clickers. Internally you could still deal with the search paths identically and this would be a little easier to use.
                Seemingly Benign
                Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                • #9
                  Originally posted by WarpStorm
                  Mike, I hate to bother you for even more features (okay, I'm lying ), but a list with a browser not unlike the Tools->Options->Directories in Visual C++ (you know what I mean Mike?) to fill in the path might be a little easier for the point-and-clickers. Internally you could still deal with the search paths identically and this would be a little easier to use.
                  That would be a nice addition, woudl be very helpful


                  • #10
                    Ya, then I wouldn't have to memorize all of the folder paths I use
                    I AM.CHRISTIAN

