I ran into an iteresting anomaly in PTW. As I recall, it also existed for Civ III. For my recent game, my civilization had no access to iron or horses, making it almost impossible to build any offensive forces. There were several civs that had both but none would trade with me for those resources no matter what I offered!! I subsequently found an island with both resources so I quickly built a city and a harbor foolishly thinking I would then have access through the harbors (one on the island and one on the mainland.) Unfortunately, the harbor network did not grant me access??? So I couldn't build Swordsman or Knights except on the island, which was far enough away that it took 20 turns to build each one. That was after 80 turns to build a Barracks.
Why can I use the trade network to trade with other civilizations but NOT between cities in my own civilization?????? This anomaly should be fixed in the next patch!!!
BTW, in case your interested, it is now 1750 AD and I can't even build Calvary, so my neighbor who just got Knights is invading me with about 1000 Knights and Swordsman, and I can only defend with Musketeers and CANNOT attack back because it's a 2 to 4 attack that I cannot win!
Why can I use the trade network to trade with other civilizations but NOT between cities in my own civilization?????? This anomaly should be fixed in the next patch!!!
BTW, in case your interested, it is now 1750 AD and I can't even build Calvary, so my neighbor who just got Knights is invading me with about 1000 Knights and Swordsman, and I can only defend with Musketeers and CANNOT attack back because it's a 2 to 4 attack that I cannot win!