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Is PTW worth me getting for SP only?

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  • Is PTW worth me getting for SP only?

    Ok, first up - sorry if this has been asked previously. I have had a (quick) scroll through the forums but most threads seem to be focusing on MP.
    I am thinking of getting PTW - but will only be playing SP and was wondering if there are enough enhancements to justify getting it for SP only.
    I read that they have updated the interface so there are not as many hidden keyboard shortcuts as there were with Civ3. Does this imply that the menuing system is a bit more like SMAC - with context sensitive right-click menus? If so - I would probably get it for this alone - as I really miss being able to right click on a unit and issue commands like in SMAC.
    What about the AI? Has that been revamped in any way? I only play Civ3 on the middel to upper difficulty levels so don't have as much hassle with over-aggressive CPs as I might on the two highest levels.
    Also read that the performance has been improved somewhat. I play mainly as a builder with occasional warring. I used to play on large/huge maps but found the slowdown late-game was too much - so now stick to small maps.
    The extra units/civs don't interest me too much - but are a nice bonus. But the extra play modes such as Capture the Flag etc sound like fun.
    Anyway - if the menu interface has improved, the performance on large/huge maps is better and the extra play modes fun - then I will probably get it.
    thanks for your help.

  • #2
    More orders are available through interface buttons. These can clutter things up a bit (especially for workers) but can be turned off too.

    The AI has been juiced a bit. A bit more agressive, and less likely to leave you alone if you are weak. More likely to declare war if you tell them to stuff an ultimatum.

    Performance on mega maps has not gotten any better, from what I know. I do not think they can do that given the underlying code for the game which they are very, very unlikely to change. The only hope for some people with the mega maps may well be the next upgrade.

    Keep in mind that many of the new victory conditions, like Capture the Flag, were designed with humans in mind. I doubt they overhauled the AI to be able to adapt to all of them. I strongly doubt it.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #3
      I wouldn't put it past Soren to have tweaked the AI to handle the new victory conditions, either.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        I would if they were not intended for AI games. Try Regicide with Victory locations turned on.

        Let me know if you see a non-expantionist civ build a second city.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          Re: Is PTW worth me getting for SP only?

          Originally posted by jeffds
          I am thinking of getting PTW - but will only be playing SP and was wondering if there are enough enhancements to justify getting it for SP only.
          I believe so.
          I don't MP and I'm extremely happy with PtW.
          Heck, not having all the worker commands be some undocumented key-combination is wonderful in and of itself.
          I read that they have updated the interface so there are not as many hidden keyboard shortcuts as there were with Civ3. Does this imply that the menuing system is a bit more like SMAC - with context sensitive right-click menus? If so - I would probably get it for this alone - as I really miss being able to right click on a unit and issue commands like in SMAC.
          It's been so long since I played SMAC, I can't say, but they did add command buttons for every possible command.
          What about the AI? Has that been revamped in any way?
          I play Regent/Monarch and even at that level I have noticed the tweaks. Soren even chimed in on these forums to confirm that certain tweaks were made to the AI.
          Also read that the performance has been improved somewhat. I play mainly as a builder with occasional warring. I used to play on large/huge maps but found the slowdown late-game was too much - so now stick to small maps.
          I don't have time to play on Huge/Large very often, so I can't speak to that, but I do know that, while the actual Loading and Map Generation seems slower, the actual game is as fast or faster than before on Standard Maps.
          The extra units/civs don't interest me too much - but are a nice bonus.
          Not having to disband all those Swordsmen is great. I prefer the Horseman chain, personally, but being able to avoid "wasting" all those shields on Swordsmen is wonderful.
          But the extra play modes such as Capture the Flag etc sound like fun.
          Y'know, I never even thought to try those in SP. The improvements, to me, are good enough that I haven't had to go looking for more ways to have fun.
          Anyway - if the menu interface has improved, the performance on large/huge maps is better and the extra play modes fun - then I will probably get it.
          thanks for your help.
          I can't guarantee anything, but I and many others - that do not play MP - seem to be very very happy.

          "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


          • #6
            Is PTW worth me getting for SP only?

            IMO no.

            But even if you dont want to play normal MP, you can always PBEM, and that definetely makes the game worth the money.
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • #7
              8 new Civs to play against also, and more terrain, but have to move it to terrain folder, increased editor functions and some scenarios, but player made, and some do not like them, as certain files have to be moved around. CivIII and PTW are separate, in folders but in main CivIII folder, so either CivIII (with CD) or PTW (with CD) can be played, as they are separate.

              New diplomacy and espinoge screen, and that takes a little getting use to. Must click, even when color changes with the option one is selecting, but it looks like it would be automatic, but is not, still have to click to choose the option to do -- like start an embassey.

              Other terrain files included made by players and the terrain files like European (darker) and Watercolor(I am using now) and Snow Terrain (looks like snow on everything) and such.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Raion
                ... and more terrain, but have to move it to terrain folder...
                Actually, you don't need to move them. Just load the scenario that uses them instead of starting a new game. In addtion, the scenario search path feature will let you use these in any custom scenario without copying any files.
                Seemingly Benign
                Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                • #9
                  Originally posted by WarpStorm
                  Actually, you don't need to move them. Just load the scenario that uses them instead of starting a new game. In addtion, the scenario search path feature will let you use these in any custom scenario without copying any files.
                  Does "Quickstart" work with "Load Scenario"?
                  I like using a certain rule Mod, but I also like doing Random Quickstarts.

                  If I wanted to use, say Watercolor mod, does quickstart use the last used mod, or no?
                  "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ducki
                    Does "Quickstart" work with "Load Scenario"?
                    I like using a certain rule Mod, but I also like doing Random Quickstarts.

                    If I wanted to use, say Watercolor mod, does quickstart use the last used mod, or no?
                    No, it doesn't. It uses the standard rules. The Watercolor Terrain Scenario though allows for all random starts just like the standard Start Game.
                    Seemingly Benign
                    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I just like, if my start position is really cruddy, to hit Ctrl+Shift+Q and then hit Enter(once Quickstart is set).

                      Sure would be nice if there was a Mod Quickstart feature.
                      "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


                      • #12

                        Like you, I posted here asking about SP. Based on the feedback, I bought a copy and so far, after a couple of weeks, I think its worth it.

                        I've had a couple of good games, some bad starts and am still playing, setting other games aside. This is after I put CIV3 aside because it just didn't feel right. PTW is closer, although the diplomacy is still well behind SMAC.

                        I tend to play more of a builder (industrious, commercial - I'm doing well as Carthage) but have found the AI can react better to limited wars now and ally with you later.

                        So far, so good. (Not great, but good.)
                        Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
               23 Feb 2004


                        • #13
                          SIMPLE ANSWER:

                          MP stinks and is very slow. But you don't care.

                          SP is slightly better with PTW based on all the reviews I have seen. But I always considered Civ 3 inherently flawed and not very good, so it doesn't matter to me. But if you liked Civ 3 after the final patch, if you do not think Firaxis ripped you off in the first place (I do), and have thirty bucks you don't need. . . then buy it. It depends entirely on your situation.

                          One warning: I have read reviews that said SP is a little slower (?). Not sure about that.

                          I for one will wait until it is in the $9.95 bin or packaged with something else. If I ever get it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Coracle
                            SIMPLE ANSWER:
                            MP stinks and is very slow. But you don't care.
                            Not after the 1.14f patch.

                            On the other way, how could you know if you haven't player PtW.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by player1

                              On the other way, how could you know if you haven't player PtW.

                              Probably reads the first reviews, forms an opinion and then keeps stating it.

                              Personally, I prefer to keep up to date with what the latest status is and get relatively good feedback. That's why I posted here, read the responses and then bought a copy based on the fact I play SP almost exclusively.

                              I knew what I was getting, knew a patch was coming and have enjoyed it so far.
                              Rule 37: "There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'."
                     23 Feb 2004

