That, of course, assumes you found them not to be useful to begin with. As for myself, I saw in them the potential to be a good unit, but one that had not been unleashed as of yet.
Taking in to the editor, I decided that the in-game guerillas should function more like real-life guerillas. So, what do guerillas do in the real world? They are hit-and-run units, sneaking through jungles and hills, staying one step ahead of their more powerful foes.
Thanks to the new PTW editor, we can set units to ignore the move cost of certain terrain. So, with a few clicks, my guerillas now ignore jungle, mountains, and hills. Now, that doesn't do much good with just a move of 1, so we bump that up to 2.
Viola! Suddenly, a mediocre unit takes on whole new dimensions! Now the guerillas can swarm in quickly from unexpected directions, tearing up roads and picking away at slower moving units. The 2 move allows them a retreat option, so hit-and-runs are much more viable. And, to top it off, they're cheap. They probably won't win you any wars, but they sure can tear it up behind enemy lines!
Anyone else made any modifications to them worth sharing?
Taking in to the editor, I decided that the in-game guerillas should function more like real-life guerillas. So, what do guerillas do in the real world? They are hit-and-run units, sneaking through jungles and hills, staying one step ahead of their more powerful foes.
Thanks to the new PTW editor, we can set units to ignore the move cost of certain terrain. So, with a few clicks, my guerillas now ignore jungle, mountains, and hills. Now, that doesn't do much good with just a move of 1, so we bump that up to 2.
Viola! Suddenly, a mediocre unit takes on whole new dimensions! Now the guerillas can swarm in quickly from unexpected directions, tearing up roads and picking away at slower moving units. The 2 move allows them a retreat option, so hit-and-runs are much more viable. And, to top it off, they're cheap. They probably won't win you any wars, but they sure can tear it up behind enemy lines!
Anyone else made any modifications to them worth sharing?