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Railroads should not offer unlimited movement!

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  • #16
    That'd need testing or someone from Firaxis to be sure of though. Since usually the game slows down in the industrial/modern ages. It seems pretty much from all the units, but wether railroads are helping it be faster then it would or not hasn't been shown. Anyone want to volunteer to play a game with railroads disabled into the modern ages and tell us if it goes significantly slower? I don't think it will, the path finding just looks for the shortest route between two places. Them having made it consider all railroaded tiles to be just 1 tile wouldn't make sense, since the AI still plots the best path and doesn't just go in a straight line. In any case, I know this wasn't towards my post, but I think custom road-types would work fine.
    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


    • #17
      I agree

      'nuff said


      • #18
        Since a turn represents a year or longer, why is it so unrealistic to imagine that an army could get from, say, Toronto all the way to, say, Buenos Aires in the course of a year?

        I realize that Trains are slow compared to Aircraft, but I could walk from Toronto to Buenos Aires in less than a year.
        "Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos


        • #19
          If we say a turn represents a year. Then I say beef up naval movement.

          Actually I always support beefing up naval movement. It is pathetic as is.


          • #20
            Originally posted by ChaotikVisions
            That'd need testing or someone from Firaxis to be sure of though. Since usually the game slows down in the industrial/modern ages. It seems pretty much from all the units, but wether railroads are helping it be faster then it would or not hasn't been shown. Anyone want to volunteer to play a game with railroads disabled into the modern ages and tell us if it goes significantly slower? I don't think it will, the path finding just looks for the shortest route between two places. Them having made it consider all railroaded tiles to be just 1 tile wouldn't make sense, since the AI still plots the best path and doesn't just go in a straight line. In any case, I know this wasn't towards my post, but I think custom road-types would work fine.
            There is a lot of pathfinding that you will never notice due to the fog of war and due to the fact that the AI does a lot of "is it possible to move this unit to that tile in 1/2/3... turns?" calculations - these very often never result in an actual move, although they do consume lots of the computing power.

            Blake put it nicely in this post.

            Even though I cannot be sure, I would bet a fortune on that the pathfinding algorithm speed-up is one of (if not the only) the key reasons for keeping the infinite RR movement.


            • #21
              I would really like add custom road, good to have 2 road types in a ancient/middleage mod. Like a 1/3 pebbled road and 1/9 stonelayed road.


              • #22
                This is quite a difficult issue. I didn't really like the ctp approach where roads were 1/3 MP and railroads 1/5 MP. It seemed strange that tanks could go further than infantry on railroads when they take longer to load/unload from trains.

                The solution I would like to see is that you have to load (entrain) and unload (detrain) units to take advantage of the unlimited movement. It seems crazy that it is quicker to rail from one side of a large continent to the other than it is to airlift! This way you could use a unit, load it onto a train and then move it anywhere you have track and that would be all. On a train it would have no attack and maybe half normal defence. On the next turn you could unload off the rail and move normally. That would slow down teleporting units around a continent. For short distances it would be better to move normally.

                The problem is getting an AI to use this effectively. I can see a couple of human exploits in this (cos we're smart) but getting the AI to cope with different movement modes could be difficult. For that reason I suspect we are stuck with what we have.
                Never give an AI an even break.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Calc II
                  Just take out coal in ur game. there, no railroad
                  No need to do that (allthough I did it myself once),
                  just un-flag the railroad ability from the worker;

                  Much easier
                  Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                  Then why call him God? - Epicurus

