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PTW Scenarios: linking graphics and rules

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  • PTW Scenarios: linking graphics and rules

    I am sure that this has been covered, but I couldn't easily find it. I just got PTW yesterday, and just today discovered WarpStorm's graphics. Wow!

    How do I link the files so that I can use Snoopy's or WarpStorm's graphics with my custom rules? Yes, I change the rules when I'm playing single player [things like ships not sinking--the AI's ships don't sink].

    Thank you!

  • #2
    In the Scenario Properties page of the editor, add additional search directories directories into the Scenario Search Folders field.

    Each folder in the path must be separated by a semi-colon (no spaces) and should be contained in the root of the scenarios folder. For Example: If your mod is called MyMod.bix and your search path is "..\extras\World War II\;Warpstorm Watercolor Terrain" the game will look for the assets (art, units, text, and sound) in the following order…
    · ..\extras\World War II\
    · Warpstorm Watercolor Terrain
    · MyMod
    · CivPTW default paths
    · Civilization III default paths
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #3
      Re: PTW Scenarios: linking graphics and rules

      Originally posted by KMadeleine
      I am sure that this has been covered, but I couldn't easily find it. I just got PTW yesterday, and just today discovered WarpStorm's graphics. Wow!

      How do I link the files so that I can use Snoopy's or WarpStorm's graphics with my custom rules? Yes, I change the rules when I'm playing single player [things like ships not sinking--the AI's ships don't sink].

      Thank you!
      Just a small detail here: I hope you're aware that playing any PtW modded game with any altered rules, you will not see it listed in the Hall of Fame when completed. Only standard rules. Don't know yet if it is intentional or a bug.
      The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


      • #4
        Warpstorm: I don't have a Scenario Search Folders box in my Scenario Properties page. I just downloaded the 1.04 patch but I still don't see it. The only boxes I have are for title and description.

        Master Marcus: I didn't know that, thanks for the warning! It doesn't bother me, though.


        • #5
          KMadeleine, are you sure that you are using the PTW editor and not the older Civ3 editor? PTW, leaves your Civ3 stuff out there.

          It should look like this:
          Attached Files
          Seemingly Benign
          Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


          • #6
            Nope, my editor doesn't look like that at all. I don't have a separate PTW editor on my start menu.

            I just found civ3xedit.exe in the PTW directory. Clicking on that works. Thanks for your help, and for being patient with me!

