Re: christmas list for firaxis:
In a recent game I had a MPP with Korea and the Chinese attacked me forcing the Koreans to declare war on them. Several turns after peace treaties had been signed all around I was in a trade negotiation with Korea and my advisor told me, "we know the Koreans have betrayed our friends the Chinese in the past...." Excuse me!? You're telling me I shouldn't trust them for having had my back? I can only assume that the AI is getting the same sort of advice about me after I am dragged into a conflict by MPP.
The biggest diplomacy fix I want to see is something like what we had in SMAC where I can ask one civ' to call off its war with another. This would go a long way toward being able to fulfill the terms of MPP's without having to declare war and would make this element of the game far more realistic. Most countries almost always try to end conflicts through diplomacy prior to joining in the fray.
Originally posted by ruby_maser
-the reputation system tweaked to account for how trade deals are broken and whether or not I had any choice in the matter (so I don't spend ours tiptoeing around only to have some AI goon screw it up)
-the reputation system tweaked to account for how trade deals are broken and whether or not I had any choice in the matter (so I don't spend ours tiptoeing around only to have some AI goon screw it up)

The biggest diplomacy fix I want to see is something like what we had in SMAC where I can ask one civ' to call off its war with another. This would go a long way toward being able to fulfill the terms of MPP's without having to declare war and would make this element of the game far more realistic. Most countries almost always try to end conflicts through diplomacy prior to joining in the fray.