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Firaxis Please a change for new patch

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  • Firaxis Please a change for new patch

    Simply one thing: Right click on a buch of units, then there is a list. On the bottom of the list are the points "wake all" and "Fortify all", could you do change this to the top? If you ever walked with 100 units in a stack through the world you know what I mean. The scrolling is disgusting ;-)

    Oh, yes, another one: When you move a whole stack of Infantry and Cavalry, then the Cavalry has a movement point more, then it would be cool to have a button to simply stop their movement immediatly without space for every units. That takes long on the one hand, on the other it always happens, that other units are "spaced" too, because I push Space further and further and further and further and then the Cavalry is at an end and other units want to move, but the Space button was pushed too long. YOu know what I mean.

  • #2
    Having a stack list SORTED in a meaningful way would be nice, too. Armies/Transports with their load directly underneath them; other units either sorted by type or by (...?) [some understood method].

    twilight, You aren't supposed to have stacks that big. That's why they make it cumbersome: to discourage you from doing so.


    • #3
      sorted by type would be welcome
      I don't understand why this hasn't happened yet either, it seems logical to me
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • #4
        Right. And another Thing: Regicide is weird. The computer never moves its king (even, when Hundreds if units standing before his Capital) and to win you need after developing of nuclear weapons: nations x 1 Nuke. Fast game.

        ONly for Multiplayer, hm? But it must be possible to teach the ai the same, or am I wrong?


        • #5
          I forgot those ones:

          After one game with several patches and an Add-on it is not yet possible to look into following stuff:

          -Tributes: I pay how much to whoever for how long?? And the same for tributes on myself.

          -Palace: Why the heck it is impossible to see the palace at your will? Or is there a hidden button I never found?

          -Where are the demographics and the five greatest cities? Where can I see, where the wonders are build? Perhaps this is important for my decision what City I shut conquer?

          Where are the buttons???


          • #6
            I agree with the wake all at the top of the list

            would be very very helpful


            • #7
              Twilight, you might wanne play around with the F(unction) keys abit
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                I would personally appreciate having (on the right-click menu) a "Fortify all units of type:" and "Wake all units of type:" Which lets you fortify, for instance, all of the infantry in a city, and continue to move all of the cavalry. Or, for instance, you could wake all of the cavalry in a city that you have been making them in, and leave all of the infantry there, fortified. I believe that the addition of these buttons would be hugely beneficial, and make the game easier to manage.

                Life is hard to live with. -Me
                Something to think about:
                Is is now was, since is is was immediately once is is. Will be will also be was when is is was. Is is therefore was. Thus, is is not is, or is isn't.
                Just something to think about.


                • #9
                  f11 = top 5 cities / demographics
                  f7 = wonders (IIRC)

                  stuff like that.
                  "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                  - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                  • #10
                    I'm all for arranging the right click menu (how is it that the SMAC one was so cool?) Just arranging the unit in order of type would be good enough. In a stack with 20 pikemen, 20 knights, all different strengths and som in an army and some not, so fortfied and some not,it gets very messy without organization.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jaybe
                      Having a stack list SORTED in a meaningful way would be nice, too. Armies/Transports with their load directly underneath them; other units either sorted by type or by (...?) [some understood method].
                      Armies and Transports really NEEDS to have their joined/loaded units better related. @Jaybe
                      About others sort method I suppose it should be useful to have them sorted by type and than by experience (elite, veteran, etc.) or remaining Hit Points, but anyone will have different preference, so I think someone will ever complain

                      Also I think that unit that already have spent all their movement should be grayed out into the "right click" list, so I can avoid unnecessary try & see on every units (quite frequent if I pause or save a game in the middle of a turn).
                      "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                      - Admiral Naismith


                      • #12
                        @alva and uberkrux: Hm. THanks for the help. SHortkeys reading would have helped.

                        @Adm.Naismith: Could be an option in the prefeerences or simple a button near the "Move whole Stack buttons". So everbody would be content.

                        It must also be possible to fortify only a part of the units in a giant stack. So if you have 80 good Armors and 20 damaged Armors, so it must be possible to fortify only the 20 without moving them. One click must be enough.

                        Second point also very good.

                        And another changing tips:

                        -after killing the last king in regicide/reg.mass the whole empire of the ai is destroyed. Okay, I find it quite disturbing, but okay, Firaxis' decision (could'nt they be barbarians?). But the destruction of the empire begins BEFORE the checking of changing ownership, I mean you conquer the city with the last king and in the same moment the rest ist destroyed, the city that you have conquered, too! Please change that.

                        -The ai is not able to win nuclear wars, they ever had only few Nukes and only throw it at cities, even when 200 Armors are standing near his cities in the field. I would use them there ;-)
                        It would be also very nice, when he would try to kill your kings, but only when it is possible to defend them from that. How about a (sorry, don't know the right term) place, down in the ground, where people go, who won't be killed by a nuclear weapon. A kind of anti-nuclear fortress. Terrain on that location is destroyed as usual, but not the units in the fortress or the fortress itself. Perhaps only infantry is saved or something like that. Only an idea.

                        -Worker's problem. The workers must be stopped by another nation's territory. The problem is simple. I am not the typ only widing my home territory I also like it to conquer far away territories as kind of colonies. But my automatic workers ever try to move through the whole continent to build the infrastructure in these colonies. Same thing, when your cutural influence goes further and further and then you have influence on another half-isle (you know, coast between your own isle and another, but both are linked). There is no use in bulding infrastructere there, it is only a bonus for another nation, because there is a high chance that these locations will change ownership as soon as anybody build a city near that.
                        What about a worker-stop-point? You could place them as you wish and your workers never go further than that.

                        But perhaps this is a game's problem? The ai ever tries to go thorugh your land, when you aks them to go away or declare war, they do that. I don't think that he had intended that, he only wanted to go through your territory. Perhaps all units have the problem, that they ignore other territories? Perhaps they could be teached to respect them? Less wars is the effect I think.


                        • #13
                          yeah, workers of AI and under automatic (thus AI) control are a nutty bunch.

                          I think nuclear shelters are a nice building to build with the advance of smart weapons. gonna start work on the editor....

                          Is it my alcohol pickled mind or do I remeber much better use of nukes in SMAC? I seem to recall them (or the fungus weapons) being used on my armies and navies.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Adm.Naismith
                            Also I think that unit that already have spent all their movement should be grayed out into the "right click" list, so I can avoid unnecessary try & see on every units (quite frequent if I pause or save a game in the middle of a turn).
                            YES! This would save so many clicks!

                            I would also like to activate the right-click popup, or better, some graphic representation of the units on a given tile, by a keyboard command.

                            Seem to me that this could work the way it does when the active unit is on a city tile and you hit Enter, opening the City Screen. Hitting Enter when the active unit is on a non-city tile could display all the units on that tile.


                            • #15
                              Simple thing: make so the AI upgrades!!! Counts so much:
                              1- for artificial INTELLIGENCE
                              2- immersion
                              Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

