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GAMESPOT is right about PTW

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  • GAMESPOT is right about PTW

    The new review by GAMESPOT of play the world expressed exactly how I feel regarding the multiplayer fiasco.

    It is a horrid lagfest that almost makes me wonder if they even tested the game on any modems or even on the Internet at all. I've heard it works nicely on LAN but lets face it most customers weren't buying the game to play on a LAN and hence this is disappointing.

    I just hope the new patch that's said to be fixing this a bit comes out soon or at least some news about it?

    It's interesting that the Firaxis guys have not been on these boards anymore posting or anything ever since PTW was released, and were it not for 1 guy (jeff morris) at one chat we would have heard nothing so far on these issues.

    I know, I know some of you will want to reply and say oh well they are busy probably working on the patch, no time to respond or post. Well please! All it takes is 5 minutes or less to post something up and say hey guys we know there are some problems and we are progressing with the patch, etc don't worry it will be out soon, etc ,etc something along those lines.

    If you visit the chat lobbies err game lobbies lately you will find the angriest venomous people feeling very ripped off by this PTW 'product' it is a festering hatred unlike anything I've ever seen directed toward a game or its developers.

    Probably all would be averted if we heard a little more from Firaxis.


  • #2
    So, basically, the Gamespot article just gives another reason to rant about the same things that have already been beaten to death?

    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3

      Hey there,

      I've hardly posted on these forums though I read them all the time... I feel that what you term 'rant' is simply an opinion of mine which does not slant positively.

      If you feel someone else has made similar views know that is their perogative, but this is the first time *I* post about it and it is people with disenting or critical yet constructive statements who sometimes help drive a company to give us in the gaming community a better product and better support.

      I feel that very often on these boards even if someone posts a different opinion or says they don't like something without resorting to curses or name-calling etc they still get instantly attacked for 'ranting' or being generally put down. Some threads are even locked, which at this point is like trying to patch up holes in a leaky and sinking boat.

      Can I just state my view and maybe those who see merit in it can respond or add their own take without fear of being slammed on by defenders of almighty firaxis.

      If you don't like reading 'rants' which this wasn't even close to one (i just read the gamespot review and was responding to its merit) then if you see this subject which said they were right why even read it? Just don't read it.

      I think many things are good in the game but this topic was specifically about the gamespot review and the multiplayer.

      Finally in some tiny way it is my hope that by discussing the things that still need to be fixed or asking when the patch will be out that maybe one of the Firaxis guys or someone in-the-know will please shed some light on what progress is being made.

      Ok talk to you later.



      • #4
        argh, another rant.


        • #5
          Beaten to death? Another rant? No. Keep ranting, keep beating it. The second people stop complaining, is when Firaxis no longer has to worry about it's problems, and that's when we lose.
          be free


          • #6
            Thanks Snoopy -- that's basically the point I was trying to make.

            Fact is: here we are quite a few days after that chat was held here on apolyton where Jeff Morris said the patch would be coming out "ASAP" and "in not very long at all" but we were never really told what that meant.

            Not very long to one person can seem very long to another. Are we talking days, weeks, months? We should be able to play at least turn based online with decent lag right out the box.

            Not to mention DIRECT IP capability. I'm anxiously waiting for that option.



            • #7
              Actually, what I probably should have said, is that a mod will close this one, because we already have enough "rant" threads.

              Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


              • #8
                Well that would be unfortunate tuberski, that implies only the first thread on a particular topic should be kept open because anyone posting something similar after that...well too bad for them because there's already 'enough of those'

                That would discourage loyal Apolyton readers such as myself from wanting to contribute with both positive and sometimes critical content.

                You know it sadens me when I go to the multiplayer lobby and see all the people upset at their gaming experience. Why should we care? Well because if everyone gets fed up with it they will stop going online to play. And then even if the patch comes out and fixes the lag the players available to match up against will have substantially diminished. I've seen it happen before to several games. From the Red Storm series, Rogue Spear: Urban operations was also a rather weak expansion online and sure enough never was properly patched and it ended up 'dying' online with very few if any people to play. Ultimately what could have been a great new experience with the game series was never to be due to poor implementation and lack of initial support.

                Please I ask those who feel similarly not to be discouraged from posting here with your views and/or emailing Firaxis with your concerns.

                That does not mean you hate firaxis or you don't like ptw it shows you actually LOVE the game so much you want to make sure it works properly and as advertised so you can all enjoy it together. That's basically how it is in my case, I was such a loyal fan before this and I wish to remain that way but I am also not blind and it is not wise to ignore problems.



                • #9
                  Well things dont look to good for Firaxis. Most people are really mad about the mp lag and crashes. I hope they fix it soon, because people can only take so much before they say forget it.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sn00py
                    Beaten to death? Another rant? No. Keep ranting, keep beating it. The second people stop complaining, is when Firaxis no longer has to worry about it's problems, and that's when we lose.
                    @ the Sn00p-dawg

                    Even though I genuinely like this game, and have stated as much several times here, I'm going to chime in here and join the ranks of the "ranters".

                    My first attempt at MP today was an utter disaster. The game crashed after two excruciatingly slow hours of attempted game play with three others. So until the MP feature is fixed, the rants are warranted IMHO.

                    The only time rants become an annoyance is when they're all posted by a single user. When you check a guy's profile, and he averages 7 posts a day...and they're all negative, then it's okay to be dismissive, even a tad derisive.

                    However, PTW does clearly need to be patched...and fast! Like the old saying goes: "When ten men tell you you're drunk, then you better sit down". I think it's time that the Firaxians sit down and fix this title.
                    ...gonna shoot me some lobster-backs


                    • #11
                      Snoopy, I agree that critical posts are essential to the future of Civ III. But there is only so much ranting that can be done before it simply becomes superfluous. Rant all you one of the literally hundreds of other threads on the exact same subject. But if you want to try to add another thread to the heap, don't be offended when it gets shut down.


                      • #12
                        Sigh monkspider, that's disrespectful to our opinions man. Your responses are so dismissive I don't know but you come off as contemptuous when I would never think to respond to one of your posts and put it down etc just because I might have heard something similar elsewhere.

                        I am an adult, college educated and I work... a lot... when I come home I like to relax by playing some civ3, and often I come here and try to keep up. But I don't have time to read what everyone has already said or has not on a particular topic.

                        All I ask is for the same respect afforded to someone who on the other hand posts that ptw is a great game... gee i hardly see anyone criticizing them for their 'positive rants' which btw there are multiple topics of that variety on here also, never locked.

                        Back on topic I would really like to request that someone from firaxis who might be reading this please respond and let us know what's going on with the patch ok? Thanks much appreciated.



                        • #13
                          My rudeness wasn't directed at you personally Neo, but rather the general ranter collective. As far as ranters go, you're alright. I apologize if I was a bit harsh. I am simply a bit peeved at the sheer volume of rants that are encountered here as of late. So I apologize if it seems that I was taking my general frustration out on you personally.


                          • #14
                            This is a discussion about a fairly important online game site slamming the game, not another irate fan. I think the thread is therefore valid, as long as it doesnt descend into actual ranting and is kept to discussion on the review and where PTW stands now. I still dont trust any games reviewers who get paid, i have no doubt some are corrupt with their promised exclusives etc, but that review seemed pretty honest.

                            I also read some problems with PBEM which i hadnt seen before, which was the main reason i was gonna buy PTW seeing as over 56k is out of the question now.
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                            • #15
                              i agree keep the rants coming so that firaxis gets the point!

