Slight error in original post. I went back to the most recent saved file that I had. The captured settler was not in the last city. He was in one that I overran a few turns before the attached file. I had a few of my own settlers heading to the front lines to take adavantage of open areas, so I was not surprised to see a settler in the area. I noticed the settler later and moved him. When I opened a city that the settler happened to be in, I saw the captured (German) Settler (in my colors!). He is in the vicinity of Skannyanutenate in the attached file.
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Settler Capture
Eh, pbornemeir you're zip isn't complete. It has the sav and then an unnamed 3mb file thats supposed to be in it for some reason. So it doesn't extract. And mind posting screenshots of it before possibly, and after? As well as reposting the sav so we can all see this, its really wierd."Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
I was able to download and open both files, from the copies I posted, but for some reason they would have been automatically named, "attachment.php" a 106k bmp and a 220k zip. I don't recall building a settler from a captured town (usually force a temple then queue a barracks and marketplace), but I am not 100% positive. I also was unable to get a graphic to display in my post although I used what appeared to be the format mentioned in the help files: (spaces inserted to keep the fool compiler [ i m g ] h t t p / / w w w . a p o l y t o n . c o m / g o . p h p ? f o r u m s / a t t a c h m e n t . p h p ? s = & p o s t i d = 1 4 3 1 1 2 0 [ / i m g ] Did I reference the uploaded image incorrectly?
Ben is right. I've played this game enough to see this happen many times. Just capyure a city, then build a settler...easily repeatable. The interesting thing is even though that foreign settler builds a new city, the new citezens are of you civ."If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.