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Huge vs Small maps

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  • Huge vs Small maps

    I know this topic probably has been talked about before, but I would like to get people who are playing PTW opinion. I used to always play large to huge worlds in civ. I love the concept of 15+ civs and a huge world, but the number of cities you have towards the end of the game is just plain cumbersome and the micromanagement is boring.

    So lately I have been playing on a 80X80 randomly created map with about 14 total civs and the results have been great. I like the fact that in the begining you can only get about 4-7 cities placed before you run out of free land. Having so many neighbors so close requres the use of diplomacy and selective wars. With so many neighbors, if you piss them all off, you may very well get your ass kicked early in the game. And once you get to the later game, you only usually have 10-20 core cities with a few other stragglers, not the 40+ you can have in huge games. I have been playing on the 2nd highest level and the games have been very competitive and have help my attention to the bitter end.

    Once Firaxis provides the MP patch, I would love to try a game with 2-4 humans and the rest computers on this type of world.

    Do other people think this way, or do you all just love those giant maps?