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More then ever before... WAR!!!

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  • More then ever before... WAR!!!

    First, I would like to say that the PT expansion is pretty cool. Second, I think some of the animations for the new units are cool too. Check out the Carthiginian special unit, something like a Tumidain Mercenary or something like that

    Ok, something that I wanted to point out. With the addition of the Guerilla, Firaxis is making it easier to go to war and stay at war, and dominate through war. To start out making Swordsmen, or its equavilent unit, go to war, and then later on to upgrade the swordsmen to Guerillas. Will allow people to go to war in the middle ages and keep it up, by upgrading until they can discover Tanks. In the past, there was a break as people, went from making swordsmen to making cavalry, to making tanks. Or, making horsemen, and then upgrading through knights to cavalry. I think that this was pretty wise part of Firaxis, although, they are confirming that this is really a war game. The guerilla will allow warmongers to start a war and then be able to maintain, because they don't have to stop to make new better units. This also, makes the Art of War and Leonardo's very important. Art of War was always important, leonardo's not very important. Both owned by the same civ, could change the game completely.

    Also, something I noticed, that when the units move there is a stutter movement. Kind of like a shake or vibration. If you want to see it, move the units south or directly down, and watch real closely to the area behind it.
    "Calm down Nedlydidlydidlydidly. They did their best Shodidlyidlyidly.
    "The Butcher with the Sharpest knife, has the warmest heart." "Mitchell!!"

  • #2
    Well, I don't think that analysis is really accurate. Yeah, you can upgrade your swordsmen to Medieval Infantry. That's fairly substantial, since that 4 attack value is as good as it gets for quite a while. The Knight is still a better unit by far. Also, there wasn't a major breakdown in offensive capability at that point anyway. The 3 attack of the swordsman was still adequate (though not great) against the Pike defense.

    The guerilla, however, isn't that valuable a unit. It only has a 6 attack at at time when defenses are running around 10. And it appears substantially after you get a 6 attack from cavalry. Its not like you are going to be attacking with those 6s instead of building the 16 attack 2 move Tanks when they show up. IMHO, all the guerilla does in that sense is just reduce the number of completely worthless and anacronistic looking units running around.

    Certainly no one is going to be voluntarily building guerillas. That will only happen if you don't have Rubber available. Otherwise, you'd build the superior Infantry unit.

    I like the new units primarily because they serve as a further hedge against awful resource availabilities. If you don't get any horses, you can still get a 4 attack unit (though not a fast one). If you don't have Rubber, you can build guerillas, which are bit better than the riflemen you would otherwise get.

    And, of course, you don't have any dumbasses with swords facing down the tanks anymore.



    • #3
      I'd love to have a stack of 8 Guerillas running around in someones undeveloped jungle.

      I wouldn't build them, but it gives a use for the old swords. Other than the scrap pile.
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