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Single player sound.dll crash

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  • Single player sound.dll crash

    I've quite a few problems with PtW but most of them are tolerable for now. The most annoying is a problem that crashes the game every 20 or so turns in single player (I'm not venturing to play multiplayer yet).

    It mostly seems to happen when the computer is moving, but it is not limited to this. It also frequently happens when I double-click a diplomacy option to select it. The game stops for a few seconds, then a generic Windows XP program crash error message appears. When you click details, it blames sound.dll.

    I've tried disabling sound and moving the file - the result is the same. I admittedly don't have one of the most popular sound cards - I have a Hercules Fortissimo II - but this is totally unacceptable. I can't even enjoy a game by myself.

    My system specs are as follows:

    AMD Athlon XP 2100+
    512MB RAM
    AOpen Geforce 4TI 4200
    Hercules Gamesurround Fortissimo II
    Windows XP Professional SP1

    I haven't tried uninstalling my sound card drivers yet, and I will try that at some point. I'd like to know if anyone else is experiencing a similar issue. There's no reason the expansion shouldn't run in single player when the original does!

    Other problems include disappearing text that include a reboot and a STOP error after watching the opening movie the first time I ran the program.

    Thanks for any help.

  • #2
    Very similar to mine and I have sound on the mother board and Radeon 8500 vid, the the same on XP PRO. No crashes so far, in 3 days?


    • #3
      Okay, here's an update. Uninstalling the sound drivers fixes the crashing every 20 turns or so. I assume this is some kind of incompatibility that exists between PtW and the latest Fortissimo II drivers. So I can play without sound.

      However, the other crash, the one I get when double-clicking on options in a box (such as, after pressing the diplomacy button, doulbing-clicking the name of a civ rather than clicking it once and hitting the circle), still occurs. It attributes this error to jgl.dll and occurs frequently, but not every time. Do the rest of you click the circle, or do you double-click the name? Does double-clicking the name work for anyone without crashing the game?

      I'd appreciate input from other Fortissimo II users about the sound card driver problem.



      • #4
        Did you report it to Firaxis?


        • #5
          Originally posted by vmxa1
          Did you report it to Firaxis?
          Not yet, I'm trying to verify the conditions that cause the problem first. It's not only when I double click the name; I just did that more often so hadn't experienced a crash the other way. So sometimes it randomly crashes with that error when I select an option from a box no matter how I select it.

          How should I go about reporting my problem to Firaxis?


          • #6
            The web site should have means of reporting isues. Go to or

