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Elimination! My first results :)

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  • Elimination! My first results :)

    [UT voice] ELIMINATION! [/UT voice]

    First PTW game. Single player still. Tiny world map Regent (I normally play monarch), continants, playing as Zulu.

    Elimination is cool because if you take one city the civ is toast. It is very cool to see every city and unit of a civ disappear off the map completely at once. I had respawn on so I had to kill everyone twice. (Ottomans, Persia, Aztecs.)

    I also had advanced production on to make this a fast AOK like game. Get a couple cities up and then crank out as many archers, or horseman, or later swordsman or possible. I kept one city producing workers so I could build roads to my enemies. It's a very fast fun game. (If you are winning at least. )

    The game took me 1h 29m 23s in total to get to 825BC, because I had to wait to get mapmaking to find the Aztecs. (I thought I selected pangea but it obviously didn't work out.)

    It is kind of unfair to play this against the AI. Humans would be much more creative and tricky. The AI was smart enough to have 4 defenders in every city, but stupid enough to build a new city with one defender right beside my advancing armies. You have to be very careful to not settle too far and wide because any one city loss kills you.

    Any wonders the other civ has are lost as all their cities dissappear. It's cool that ruins are left in every old city site so you can see all your damage on the map.

    Elimination is a really good way of getting all #1's and all the cities on the game ending demographics screen. It also leads to a funny replay.

    In the end I had a score of 8908. In previous civ the highest I got was 4700ish for a Monarch Standard map Domination. It is funny to see that my regular score would have been only 283.3.

    The final ranking was:
    8908 Zulu
    232 Aztec
    52 Persia
    37 Ottoman

    And I still got magnificent! I am really curious what is the last one above magnificent. What to you have to do to get that score? Maybe I should try same map without respawn and see if I get a bigger bonus for a quicker time.

    Anyway it was a lot of fun! Elimination should be very fun to play against real people.
    Last edited by Chuckles; October 31, 2002, 23:37.

  • #2
    Does the AI Still expand like crazy or is it more cautious?


    • #3
      Originally posted by jim_steer
      Does the AI Still expand like crazy or is it more cautious?
      more cautious, from what I've seen. will expand, but more slowly. at least two spearmen in a brand new city.

      and they are vicious, if you have at least a warrior, they MIGHT leave you alone. if empty they will take it without mercy.

      I lost my first game at 3 min 20 sec.

      I tried a 24 civ deity tiny map and lasted a few seconds.
      another go at the deity tiny i was more successful, lasting a little while-I started on a luxury. turn one, added worker to city, was going to rush a warrior, but didn't have to. the luxury meant that didn't go into disorder. but I still lost, actulaly quit, it was too tricky fighting with only one city.


      • #4
        Originally posted by asleepathewheel
        I tried a 24 civ deity tiny map and lasted a few seconds.
        lol that would be totally mad ?

        Do they fight among themselves like crazy or do they generally go after the human player/s ?

        Is diplomacy possible or is it just continous war and chaos?


        • #5
          Originally posted by jim_steer

          lol that would be totally mad ?

          Do they fight among themselves like crazy or do they generally go after the human player/s ?

          Is diplomacy possible or is it just continous war and chaos?
          they will take out the weakest, AI or human.

          diplomacy is possible, but its fast and furious

          what I did to take out a few civs was to mass a group of jag warriors, then wait for a civ to plant a city nearby, I would then take it out. but 2-3 spears would take nearly all my units, so it was a lost cause.


          • #6
            Millitaristic is a must then ?
            Right, I am going to whip all the people in my office into buying a copy so we can have nice quick wars at lunchtime


            • #7

              wow, games that are less then several hours of dip, trade, and war.

              ima get pt this saturday, man, thinking about it, games were I don't have t sti in front of a comp for hours to just get into indsutrial age

              lol, kill one city and you win, that's gotte be funny...

              i think ima just stick to classic battles in MP, elimitaion would be fun but way to fast
              "I like to consider myself a virus, I spread and consume natural resources, then I leave my former home baren and cold, what am I? Why, I am YOU !"-Mr. Waffleberry


              • #8
                oooo 24 civs on a tiny map. I'll have to try that next!!!


                • #9
                  Chuckles your score would have been very high, in the std game if you managd to win by 825bc.


                  • #10
                    Ya, but it's a lot easier to kill just one city of each civ instead of all cities of each civ. Makes for quite a skewed score compared to how much you actually did.

