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Stuff I wish they'd mentioned in the PtW Chat!

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  • Stuff I wish they'd mentioned in the PtW Chat!

    Hi Guys,

    Although I did find the recent CivFanatics chat to be VERY informative, there was some "Wish-list" related stuff which I don't believe the Firaxis guys mentioned during the chat!
    Firstly, though the flags for Small and great Wonders have now been combined-which hopefully means that Small wonders can be given Obsolesence (YAY!!!), Firaxis has not yet indicated whether Improvements can also be made obsolete (I'm assuming No, for now, but I hope they change that one day!)
    Another wish-list matter not raised was that of units which require improvements as prerequisites!! This was the one which I was MOST holding out for but, again, I reckon the anwer to this will be no-for now!
    Don't get me wrong, though. The statements from Firaxis regarding the removal of the BULK of the hardcoding in the Editor (their exact words, if I recall correctly), will hopefully give me the flexibility to begin work on my all-encompassing mod-the one I referred to all the way back in December!
    Anyway, I'd be interested to hear what new editor features Modders hope will be included in PtW, and which of the already revealed ones they will find most useful!


  • #2
    I did ask if improvements were being given any wonder abilities and got a flat "no"--personally, what I was really hoping for was improvements that had the "iron works" resource requirements, but obsolescence would be nice too.


    • #3
      Any improvement can be made to require resources like the Iron Works in PTW.
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