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  • #16
    Actually it makes sence that metros would have such a huge defence. Remember Stalingrad? Ok, the city got smashed, but never really taken by the germans. Think opf it as inner city fighting: damn hard, lots of cover and tanks are worthless. You have to clean the place room by room, building by building. I think that deserves a high defence rating.


    • #17
      I wouldn't say tanks are worthless in the city; they seem to work alright in Ramallah and Gaza. But your point is taken. Large cities, with large pops, and lots of infrastructure are tough.


      • #18
        Infantry is best suited in both defense and offence when in cities. Perhaps the Firaxians should give a 25% bonus in both attack and defense when infantry attacks a city, latter in the game, thus making useless units, like the marines, valuable.

        i think civil defense gives a bonus only when it comes to bombarment.
        " They will fight and die till the last warrior"
        -Dimaratos to Xerxes, a few days before the battle in Thermopylae...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Athitis
          Infantry is best suited in both defense and offence when in cities. Perhaps the Firaxians should give a 25% bonus in both attack and defense when infantry attacks a city, latter in the game, thus making useless units, like the marines, valuable.

          i think civil defense gives a bonus only when it comes to bombarment.
          Only with bombardment? like bomb shelters? hmmmm....

          I think giving (non-mechanical) infantry (or at least marines an paratroopers) extra attack bonuses against cities of size > 12 is a good idea. It will stop me having only modern armour and mechinf only throughout the entire last 100 years. I almost never use marines, or paratroopers for that matter. giving them an edge over mechinf in specialized fighting (rather than only specialized traveling methods) is realistic, since many modern nations use marines and paratroopers a lot more then just mechinf.

          Perhaps we should start a new thread about this Athitis to get FIRAXIS' attention? It could easily be implemented in the next PTW patch...


          • #20
            No, Civil Defense gives the 50% bonus across the board. I asked at the CFC chat and they said it's like walls that can be put on any size city and stacks with the rest of the defensive bonuses (you do need barracks to build them though).
            Seemingly Benign
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            • #21
              Originally posted by Carver
              I wouldn't say tanks are worthless in the city; they seem to work alright in Ramallah and Gaza. .
              And Soviet helicopters were great in Afghanistan before the mujahadeen had American Stinger AA missiles.

              Get some decent AT weapons in Ramallah and Gaza et. al. and it'd be a very different war ... kinda maybe like Baghdad come the winter ...

              ... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...


              • #22
                I'm wondering if I'll really use Outposts much. At the cost of a worker, it's pretty expensive early in the game. I might as well just have a unit stationed out there... Unless you're playing raging hordes, I don't see the barbarian issue as that significant.


                • #23
                  Civil Defense could make this game into a defensive stalemate in the later game. Should be interesting.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by WarpStorm
                    No, Civil Defense gives the 50% bonus across the board. I asked at the CFC chat and they said it's like walls that can be put on any size city and stacks with the rest of the defensive bonuses (you do need barracks to build them though).

                    This would make Sun Tzu's even more valuable, huh?

