... It will just take some ingenuity and thinking outside the box.
As was mentioned first in the last Firaxis chat, and in another recent thread at CFC, hotseat to AI transferring will be possible in PtW. Therefore, you can start a hotseat game with all players as humans, then set all the diplomacy you like between all the civs in the scenario. Then, change it back every civ except 1 to AI, then voila, you have a scenario, with the human player easily transferrable to any civ in the scenario, with all build orders and fortifiying done.
After reading the most recent chat, there are some definite possibilities in the game, along with a lot of new features I like...
*Starts scraping $30 together for late Octember...*
Alas, the life of a college student is cruel.

After reading the most recent chat, there are some definite possibilities in the game, along with a lot of new features I like...
*Starts scraping $30 together for late Octember...*
Alas, the life of a college student is cruel.
