And you might get more recruits if you stopped with poor assumptions. I read the whole post and didn't see anything that I liked that much or couldn't do just fine without being in a clan in the first place.
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New ptw clan.
Originally posted by Wittlich
Anyway, with the player-base membership of Apolyton, you shouldn't have to recruit from the outside.
I for one am a lot more comfortable looking for potential players for PTW MP in a small site like All Domination Clan than sorting through all the thousands of players here on Apolyton. Maybe it because I have no experience in MP and wish the first experience to be among and with a smaller and more intimate group of players.Proud father of soldier in Iraq.
And you might get more recruits if you stopped with poor assumptions. I read the whole post and didn't see anything that I liked that much or couldn't do just fine without being in a clan in the first place.
Well I joined the clan so that I know that when I play PTW I will have people I can count on. I will know their skill level, that I can trust them and that if we are allied togather that they wont turn arround and back stab me. If I just go into PTW and play with some person that just came on I have no way of knowing if they ally with me if they will really help me or just sit there and watch me die. Also if you get into a clan with really good players, they can help you improve your own skills as well.
For those of you that dont like clans, just dont join and dont worry about it. No one is going to make you join and if you hate it that much I dont think anyone would want you to join a clan anyways.
I agree completely. what do these people care if others want to join clans? obviously people have made it clear there are benifits even if they don't care about them others will. I personally am not going to join any clan (atleast not until I see how the game works) but I can definatly see a whole lot of bonuses. I mean good luck ever getting to continue a game for more then one session with people who just come online, I guess if you only want to play turnless and not classic or whatever it's called then good for you.
Geez, reviving the thread just to insult me, I feel touched. I've only been in a few clans really, one was a JK clan that I joined simply to get a friend to shutup, and a few others don't fit the normal clan status, since it was on a mud. I've been asked to join clans in most games I play, though 3/4ths of them are just people who spam for members and don't care if they get decent people are not. But like I said, i'm a loner. The idea of a clan just doesn't appeal to me, and I had said that. My reply was because he thought I had somehow picked out only certain words to read, and not others. I'm sure he and others see advantages, but I don't.
I'm just a casual player, its not my kind of thing. When PTW comes out i'll probably play it with the same people I played SMAC/X with, which was just with people I know fairly well online and IRL. I might look for the occasional game on here, but the main thing for me with Civilization-esque games has been being able to take all the time I want when playing, to make it relaxing rather then demanding like some other games. I know noone will make me join a clan, I had only posted here to toss my two cents in, this is a public forum afterall.
I'm not completely alone here, others don't see a use for clans at least with Civ3 anyway, going off the posts in the first page of the thread. Who you and shadylookin also assumed didn't read the posts at all. No big deal, some like clans, some don't. I just got annoyed at him assuming I was blind because I couldn't find any real bonuses. Anyway, just figured I should reply."Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung
I see someone on here does not like clans or me much. Someone here changed my signture and spamed me with 500 emails.
I really dont know why someone would do that to me. If someone does not like me or the things I say, come out and dont hide and tell it to me to my face and dont pull childish pranks. I already undid all that the person who spamed me did. What did I ever do to you to cause you to do all of that to me?