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What is the Hotseat seting in multiplayer about in PTW

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  • What is the Hotseat seting in multiplayer about in PTW

    I saw a screen in the list of screenshots for Play the World and I wanted to know what the forth one was about; it was called Hotseat.

    Another question: I know it will make that game long, but is there going to be a multiplayer setting in PTW that lets you play a multiplayer game on one computer?

  • #2
    Hotseat = multiplayer on one computer. It's called that 'cuz the seat is still warm when you sit down for your turn.
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    • #3
      Hotseat can also be used for PBEM (play by email). Usually, hotseat games won't let the next person play until they enter a password, so for PBEM you just save when a password is need to play the next turn and mail it to whoever is next.

      Though i haven't looked at the screenshots yet, I assume PTW has a PBEM function as well as hotseat - but they will work pretty much the same way.
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