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Civs I Plan To Create For My Expansion

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  • Civs I Plan To Create For My Expansion

    If you think this should be posted instead under either the Civilizations or Creation forums please tell me, im posting it here in Play the World because i think there is a general interest in it here:

    Im considering making my own expansion pack for civilization 3, of course limited to Mods or what else i can do; there are several ideas but right now im thinking about added civilizations, particularly european ones.

    With the addition of play the world, i think alll of the major powers will be added to the game, except maybe the Incas. However, because civilization is not about who actually succeeded historically, but a playing out of history, im considering civs that will account for major cultural groups left out. Im first considering those in europe. Here are some ideas for the civs traits and UUs [please comment on this and critique]:

    DUTCH. Commercial, Industrial
    The Dutch was a major cultural power, not only mercantile, but industrial and was a major art (Rembrandt, other N European artists) and religious center. Adding the Dutch sort of squeezes in other northern european countries like Belgium and Denmark with similar traits, like adding Spain squeezes in Portugese.
    UU: SLOOP [replaces Caravel];
    modifications: movement 6 (withdraw ability), blitz, bombard 1 with 1 rate of fire; doesn't upgrade to Galleon, requires Iron.
    The Dutch had many innovations in shipbuilding, including the Fluyt which the Dutch are famed for. The Fluyt however, was primarily mercantile. The addition of the Sloop is to add something interesting to the game, the first UU naval military unit; sloops were very quick ships often equipped for war with cannons or other weapons, and fleets of sloops would be able to match against more powerful ships as frigates because of sheer speed. Movement of 6, so it allows for the ship to be able to withdraw from combat with frigates and caravels, and blitz. Because it should compete with frigates, the Sloop would not upgrade to Galleon (which could be a disadvantage), and would have poor bombard abilities, but the added ability requires Iron. I believe the large additions and advantages of the Sloop over the Caravel are justified design-wise, because of the limited ability and use of naval power in Civ3 [a pumped-up caravel with limited bombard will not unbalance the game in any important way]

    PRUSSIANS. Militaristic, Commercial
    This is to account for pseudo-Germanic eastern european cultures left out of the game, including Austrians, [Prussians, of course], Swiss, Lithuanians. At various times in history, each of these had some substantial power, but in general remained a hodge podge without any real supremacy. The same goes for the SLAVS, the next civilization group in the list I will suggest. This group had militaristic backtones, of course seen in the pomp and court culture of Prussians and Austirans, but also in the mercenary armies of the Swiss.
    UU: HALBERDIER [replaces Pikeman];
    modifications: attack 3, shield cost 2.
    The UU, Halberdier obviously derives from the famed Swiss Halberdiers which were used as Mercenaries in many early modern wars, in Italy, Germany, and France. The Halberd adds extra attack from the pike, bringing it equal to its defense: the Halberdier becomes both a decent offensive and defensive unit. The reason I would increase attack to 3 instead of 2 (which i considered) is that in play the world, the medieval infantry also arrives with Feudalism and has an attack of 4; not leaving the Halberdier 'overpowered', it also does not have the defense of 4 that comes with Musketmen. The lowered shield cost reflects the mercenary nature of the units. What this allows the Prussians is the ability to rapidly create units to defeat swordsmen and protect units, while still having a defensive disadvantage to longbowmen and medieval infantry. In otherwords, i think it mainly only allows to the Prussians the advantage of a stonewalled defensive, allowing them to keep attackers at bay, [and make only limitedly advantageous offensive maneuvers--ie moving in to attack while not fearing as much destruction through counter-offense].

    SLAVS. Religious, Industrial
    Similar to the Prussians, this is meant to account for a large hodgepodge of cultural groups identified as "Slavo-Baltic" in eastern europe left out from Civ3, in this case, including, Poles, Czechs, and though not technically 'slavic' , 'baltic' ethnicities associated with the Slavs, as Hungarians and Serbians. As is obvious this reigous has been the center of focused religious, ethnic, and cultural conflict; in many cases accompanying strong religious sentiment, hence accounting for the Religious characteristic; and the industriousness reflects the periods under Communist programs more than anything though I think it could be made to relate to earlier slavic history.
    UU: MOUNTED SCOUT [replaces Scout - civ starts with unit even though not expansionistic];
    modifications: movement 3, invisible, doesn't upgrade to Explorer, requires Horses.
    Admittedly I didn't really have a strong historical basis for this; i didn't feel like giving a military UU to the slavs and instead came to the idea of giving an advanced type of scout; something about the atmosphere of the region led me to think a mounted scout was a good variation; my ethnic background is slavic, Hungarian and Ukranian, so don't lecture me for being naive; i just think of images of horsemen steathfully riding through the Carpathians, stories of Vlad the Impaler leading horsemen and cavalries. At any rate, despite whatever historical basis it has, I think its a good idea for the Civ . Competing with the ability of explorers in some way, it does not upgrade to Explorer (it has movement of 3 rather than 2 instead of having the 'treat all terrain as roads' ability of explorers), and is able to remain invisible so to travel through the territories of competing civs; however, unlike the standard scout, requires Horses [requiring Horses also postpones the use of the scout unit until later in the game when cities and trade are established so the added movement bonus and invisibility isn't too much of an advantage].

    also if i were to make a modern europe scenario i would want to include italians but i think romans can substitute for their cultural force in general games. italians i think would be religious, commercial.

  • #2
    if i did add the italians i would maybe make the UU a mercantile/crusader version of the caravel which has added transport capacity.


    • #3
      someone can argue the italian redshirts replacing riflemen but i dont think it would be a good as a UU and besides the redshirts relied on mass naval landings that would be provided by an enhanced caravel transport.

      i do plan on working on these civs , i was also thinking about doing a scenario that spans the only 19th century and in detail to the century. so with the same number of techs and units but in detail to the century. civs like genoans, prussians, etc.

      another idea ive had was to do an Imperialism scenario which divides the four ages along similar lines present in 'age of empires'/'imperialism' type games involved in 'nation building': middle ages [feudal warfare] (starting at middle ages so it can be specialized this way), exploration age [expansion and development], industrial age [revolutions, unification, alliances], modern age [world wars]. in turn the units would be specific, so like in the industrial age the units would be like in Imperialism [etc] and in the exploration age like in Imperialism II [arquebusiers,culverins,tc.]. the civs would be all european , and barbarian tribes would have unique units of their own--mounted warriors etc., to represent natives. Also, resources like cotton, tin , etc like in those games would be there.

      very interesting things i think can be done with MODs i hope people dont fall into the trap of making boring scenarios


      • #4
        Hi brian,
        take a look at the 'Apolyton Extra Pack' in the Civ3-Civilizations forum. It will soon be finished (I think).
        Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

        The new iPod nano: nano


        • #5
          and though not technically 'slavic' , 'baltic' ethnicities associated with the Slavs, as Hungarians and Serbians
          Baltic? Do you mean Balkan(ic?)? I'm pretty sure that Serbs are Slavic, btw. At least their language is, and they are part of Yugoslavia.


          • #6
            Incans, Mayans...
            Vini, Vidi, Poluti.


            • #7
              yes i meant balkan althoguh baltic should be included ; i was sleepy when i wrote it so made many mistakes , for instance some grammar and also i wrote that it would be the first naval UU which is false


              • #8
                A slavic civ would be fine, but I really don't see a reason for including Hungary there. As for Vlad the Impaler: what has he to do with the whole thing? He was romanian (counting as Roman in civ3).

                I think that if you want to include all these civs in a game then better try to make an Eastern European scenario (with Poles, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Serbs, Turks, and so on).
                "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                --George Bernard Shaw
                A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                --Woody Allen


                • #9
                  Baltic is completely different for slavic. If you wanna create baltic, create Lithuanian Great Duchy.


                  • #10
                    I think some of you are missing the point. I really am aware that Magyars were not slavic but what i was considering is how to account for the varieties of cultures in europe without either a. including too specific nations that really didnt have any great influence or power individually; b. being too broad as to make the categories really improper. First off, i think the idea of looking at Eastern europe as a group of related cultures is a good idea , but also it would be stupid to have the civ 'Eastern Europeans'. The most obvious thing to include is Slavs which cover many eastern european culutres, but it doesnt cover anything so i included Prussians for more germanic based ones. Magyars/Hungarians are sort of the odd example but i think by themselves theywerent a major cultural force and if anything they can be intimately related with slavs, balkans, and baltic culures; the closely related austrians covered in the prussian civ. This is a rough division i k nwo but i think it works better than any other combination i could think of. as for baltics, many linguistics consider there to be one balto-slavic / slavo-baltic language group , covering both slavic and baltic cultures; and lithuania is close to poland in many ways. i feel comfortable grouping them. tiberius, youre right that vlad was romanian, i didnt mean to suggest he was hungarian. though the region of transylvania at various times in history has switched borders and most people in romanian transylvania have hungarian ethnicity and speak hungarian language. so i closely associate the two cultures. Sonic, i didnt want to create a lithuanian culture because i didnt want to go that specific unless i was creating a europe specific scenario; i consider it specific because not a world cultural force and can be 'abstracted' into another group even if it technically in scientific terms doesnt work. As i mentioned i by including dutch i thought it accounted for belgian and dutch cultural mores even though these cultures are substantially different when looked at in certain ways; for the purpose of the game i think it makes up for their loss. like i dont want to add italians because of romans, which can be a substitute, even though italians can be said to be based on other cultures like etruscan and in some ways are much different. I didnt want to include Austrians, even though, unlike others, i think Austria is substantially different than Germany, because still politically it was closely tied with germany, the only way i found i could account for them legitimately was by abstracting them into Prussians.

                    I want your critiques and comments just please first take into account what im trying to do. Maybe someone could suggest a better more intelligent solution to what im doing, given the obvious discrepancies in including magyars into slavs etc. without suggesting magyars etc be a different civ


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        brian, Slavic (except for Polish maybe) are mostly influated by Russians, which are already in the game, so, no more need for another Slavic culture. The following big non-russian countries were in Eastern Europe (most of them did much influence to the region and to the world for a lesser extent):
                        Lithuanian Great Duchy
                        Polish Kingdom
                        Also maybe the newest one, Yugoslavia


                        • #13
                          Brianshapiro, I understand, but I'm afraid you can't do this right, not in the way you want it to.

                          IMHO, a civilization is a society in an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development, developed by people with common origins and the same nationality, religion, language, traditions, etc; things generic called in civ3 culture&nationality.

                          Like you said, having an 'Eastern Europeans' civ would be silly. A slavic civ would be OK, but including hungarians there makes no sense. They have a totally different "culture&nationality". They are, and always were, a culturally distinct nation in Central/Eastern Europe.

                          tiberius, youre right that vlad was romanian, i didnt mean to suggest he was hungarian. though the region of transylvania at various times in history has switched borders and most people in romanian transylvania have hungarian ethnicity and speak hungarian language. so i closely associate the two cultures.
                          Transsylvania basicaly switched borders only once, in 1918. It was an integral part of Hungary until 1526, when the turks occupied Hungary. The Kingdom fell apart in 3 parts, with Transsylvania remaining the only (half) independent hungarian territory. It was for 2 centuries the only keeper of the hungarian culture. Hungary was never allowed to completely reunify again, not even during the Autria-Hungary empire (which lasted only 50 years, btw). After losing WW1, Hungary lost 2/3 of its territories, including Transsylvania.
                          The romanians are a romanic civ. Dacia was conquered by the romans in 106 and this is when the history of the romanian nation begins. Romania, as a country, was born in 1859 with the unification of the 2 romanian principalities, Muntenia (Wallachia) and Moldavia (moldavians are romanians, Brianshapiro).
                          To make it short, hungarians and romanians are 2 totally different nations. For some time, the romanian principalities were vassals of Hungary, but that's all. (for example, the famous Vlad the Impaler was thrown in prison by the hungarian king Matyas Corvinus, who later put him back on the throne). After the decline of the Hungarian Kingdom, the romanian pricipalities became vassals of the Ottomans. They gained independent in 1829. The Moldavian Republic is a part of Moldavia that was annexed by Russia in 1812 and in 1944 by the Sovjet Union.
                          Obviously 2 nations that have been neighbors for so long influence each-other’s culture, but that doesn’t make them one civ. Romania, especially Muntenia, has a powerful turkish influence due to the long turkish rule, but that doesn’t make them turks, right?

                          As a conclusion, if you want some of these nations in civ3, my suggestions are:
                          - the best way (if possible): make a scenario with Eastern Europe and use all these nations separately. I'd be happy to help you on this one
                          - include a generic slavic civ (poles+serbs+ukranians+...)
                          - include a polish-lithuanian civ (they formed a powerful union that lasted quite long)
                          - include Hungary (along with Poland and Lithuania, they were the most powerful kingdom of Central and Eastern Europe until the Ottoman conquest; they became important again during the Austria-Hungary empire).

                          I'm posting 2 maps with Europe in the middle ages, hope this helps clarifying some things.

                          Historical Atlas of Europe, complete history map of Europe in year 1500 showing the major states: Kingdom of France, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Portugal, Catholic Monarchy, Savoy and Swiss Confederacy.

                          Finally, you can use any civ you want to. After all, this is a question of personal preferences and view of history, including the "what if..." type of rewriting history.

                          PS You can use the "huszar" or "hussar" special unit. The word is of Hungarian origin and was used to describe a soldier of the light cavalry. Later the Poles, the Austrians and other nations also developed their own Hussar regiments, often retaining the Hungarian style uniforms.
                          "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                          --George Bernard Shaw
                          A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                          --Woody Allen


                          • #14
                            In my opinion creating such generic Slavic civ wouldn't be a good idea, because it would be against civ3 principles. In civ3, such ethnic groups aren't included, just countries which were once independent. For example, let's take Zululand. If they've (civ3 creators) wanted to create every nation of about the same actual influence to history, they had to put whole "Africans" or "Blacks" civ. But instead, they've chosen ZUluland to represent African civs. Something like that in my opinion should be done with EE - one of the civs (Prussia, Austria-Hungary, Poland, Lithuania), should be included. Civs could look like that (example for Lithuania):

                            Lithuania - leader Duke Gediminas, King Mindaugas or President Smetona
                            gls - Duke Vytautas, Duke Gediminas (if someone else would be chosen as a leader), Duke Kestutis, Duke Jaunutis, other dukes
                            Cities - Vilnius (capital), Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai, Panevezys, Alytus, Taurage, Utena, Trakai, Kernave, Ukmerge, Palanga, Kretinga, Anyksciai, Kedainiai, etc.
                            UU - ANBO aircraft, which changes fighter but requires no resources to build (real ANBO aircraft were built in the late interwar period by not a factory, but single man (no need for resources comes from here) and formed Lithuanian Air Force then)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sonic
                              In civ3, such ethnic groups aren't included, just countries which were once independent.
                              Not necesarely. They are more likely nations with a common or very closely related cultural identity (like the Germans and Austrians or the Babylonians and Assyrians or now the Arabs in PTW).

                              Not that I would have anything against a Lituanian civ. However, a Lithuanian-Polish civ might have greater chances to earn a place in an already crowded Europe.
                              I know they had a "Commonwealth", a powerful union that lasted several centuries. I'm not very sure about the cultural link, though. Could you tell me more about this?
                              "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
                              --George Bernard Shaw
                              A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
                              --Woody Allen

