One thing that I'd like in PtW (or a future expansion) but which I would not consider essential would be the possibility of bombardments having a chance of only damaging an improvement! This chance would be based on the bombardment strength of the unit, and whether the building is a small wonder, wonder or improvement. If it is damaged, then it would be indicated by a marker, and it would either not function, or be at only half strength. The buiilding, however, would still continue to produce it's original culture/turn (if applicable), this would help simulate the effects of such buildings as the Colluseum in Rome or the Parthenon in Greece! Repairing a building would also cost less than replacing it outright, but would require gold instead of shields. If you chose to replace it outright, then any accumulated culture would be lost! Great Wonders, however, can only be repaired, not replaced!
Anyway, that's my idea-I'd be interested to hear what people think.
Anyway, that's my idea-I'd be interested to hear what people think.