The ability to change government 'at will' (admittedly with the penalty of several lost moves production) seems to me unrealistic. Perhaps on the first discovery of Monarchy or Republic this should be an option, but most changes in government are the product of unrest and the outcome is unpredictable.
Also most government systems are self perpetuating and very rarely will they voluntarily change to a new system / philosophy. Even here in the UK the transition to full democracy from a parliament that was run by the landed aristocracy took a long time and was not achieved without riots and civil unrest.
I suggest a high level of unrest should result in rebellion (civil war) or government change and that the results of goverment change should be unpredictable, though some civilisatiosn should have more chance of getting certain types of government than others. And of course some types of government would only become available as new concepts of govenrment are developed.
Also most government systems are self perpetuating and very rarely will they voluntarily change to a new system / philosophy. Even here in the UK the transition to full democracy from a parliament that was run by the landed aristocracy took a long time and was not achieved without riots and civil unrest.
I suggest a high level of unrest should result in rebellion (civil war) or government change and that the results of goverment change should be unpredictable, though some civilisatiosn should have more chance of getting certain types of government than others. And of course some types of government would only become available as new concepts of govenrment are developed.