I know this has been mentioned before. But it's really important, so I'll say it again. That hard-coded range of 8 is useless for scenarios. Let#s take an example. Uberkrux is working on a WW2 Battle of Britain scenario (dunno if he still is, but it's a good example). As you can see from the picture, bombers only just have the range to cross the channel and bomb cities. The range of 8 means that the English Channel can't be in proportion. In fact, it would have been really nice if Uber had been able to make the map larger and really go to town on the detail. But he can't, because of that damned hard-coded air range of 8.
I understand that there's a wish-list for Play The World. Well this should be at the top. WW2 unit graphics: bonus. Japanese Medieval unit graphics: bonus. Workers building airstips and radar towers: bonus. Un-hard-coding air range: a must. A definite must.
I understand that there's a wish-list for Play The World. Well this should be at the top. WW2 unit graphics: bonus. Japanese Medieval unit graphics: bonus. Workers building airstips and radar towers: bonus. Un-hard-coding air range: a must. A definite must.