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Please Firaxis, could we have several types of leaders in PTW?

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  • Please Firaxis, could we have several types of leaders in PTW?

    Sorry, if this has posted before - but would it be possible to include different types of leaders? At least as editor options?

    For example, we could have special "cultural leaders" (great artists as names) who can cause (perhaps only once - to make sure they aren´t too strong) "city flipping" of an enemy city.

    Or "research leaders" (great scientists) who can rush the research of a new tech instead of a wonder.

    I can imagine also other options, like "economy leaders", who boost your income for a certain time, or "security leaders", who reduce corruption significantly in a city far away from your palace/forbidden palace.

  • #2
    I do like the idea of other kinds of leaders, but I think the culture leader might be a bit too strong...Maybe if we make the culture leader, be able to give a bonus of culture points in a city (and some surroundding cities...this includedes (if possible) enemy cities...enemy cities gets your culture, thereby make the city have some culture, when you take over the city...)

    Just a thought...
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      Unless you figure out a new way for leaders to arrive, this feature would only make warmongering more effective (in fact, probably the only viable strategy).


      • #4
        They could be acquired in a number of non military ways: tech research; a city reaching a certain cultural point level; a city reaching a certain science or gold level.


        • #5
          Firaxis has already finished PtW, and no word on this, so I don't think we'll be seeing this.


          • #6
            Nevertheless these are brilliant ideas!
            Maybe we'll see them in some future addon. I would buy it...


            • #7
              The best thing would to be able to get leaders through means other than combat. Maybe the first civ to 50,000 culture points gets a leader, the first civ to circumnavigate the globe gets a GL, the first civ to build an airplane gets a leader... something like that.


              • #8
                Carver> BRILLIANT IDEAS!!!


                • #9
                  I have been asked for many months for MILITARY LEADERS who can add a combat bonus to units in the stack it is on.

                  The weird, ironic thing now is you can get a Great LEader only in COMBAT - but they are best used to build CULTURAL Wonders; armies are not very effective.

                  Napoleon would have been both a cultural and military leader.

                  Bismarck. ideally would have been a political leader.

                  Yes, different types of leaders - AND DIFFERENT WAYS TO CREATE THEM - is very much needed.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Trip
                    Firaxis has already finished PtW, and no word on this, so I don't think we'll be seeing this.
                    Hey. Firaxis. Go back to designing, take your time this time, and just get it right. Give us what we want.


                    • #11
                      several leader types is a good(if not awesome) idea

                      and yeah, Firaxis, listen what Coracle says.
                      My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Coracle
                        Hey. Firaxis. Go back to designing, take your time this time, and just get it right. Give us what we want.
                        I concur. I wish they would spend more time and refine it more. I'd wait until December. Or February. Or longer if it's worth it. I can live without MP and the Ottomans for a while longer.

                        Seriously, all I think will be in PtW is the new civs, MP, new terrain sets, a couple more hotkeys (auto-bombard) and the custom graphics/scenarios/mods/etc. that we can download here ourselves. After the 1.29f editor, I've learned not to expect much from Firaxis with new updates as far as real gameplay changes.


                        • #13
                          Trip> Myself i can't wait for PTW. Original Civ 3 has started to bore me. It feels flawed. The same damn micromanagement/interface flaws and bugs. Over and over again. I put Civ 3 in it's box and wont touch it until PTW is out.


                          • #14
                            There's really not all that much they're changing in PtW. Consider it a patch with a few new terrain sets.


                            • #15
                              I think you're wrong.. a lot of polishing will be done in PTW... and to me playing an unpolished game is like listening to a crappy demo tape och eating a pizza without oregano...

