Something that I would like to see added to Civ 3 in either PTW or some future Xpack is the concept of refugees.
Currently, I find it kind of unrealistic that bombers, artillery, ships etc. are capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people when they bombard. Attacking civilian populations can kill a lot of people, but not as many as it does in the game. With my idea, they would instead become refugees (as has happened historically, look at places like Kosovo).
The refugees would work like this.
1)They would be a new unit, much like a worker, except they would have their own 'AI' and would have a movement of 2, able to use anyone's roads but no-ones railroads (to stop them from being teleported around instantaneously).
2) They would be created if civilians were killed during bombardment, if a city was razed (in which case, part of the population would die, part would be enslaved, and the rest would become refugees), or if citizens were expelled from a city (see below).
3) Once the refugees were created, their first priority would be to get away from the enemy as fast as possible. To represent this, they would attempt to make sure that there would be no enemies that they knew of within one turn's travel of them.
4) As long as they were safe from enemy troops, their objective should be to find a city. They should go a city which fulfills the following conditions:
i) It is closer than any other city which fulfills these conditions.
ii) The addition of the refugees will not cause the city to starve.
iii) the addition of the refugees will not cause the city to go into disorder.
iv) There are no enemy troops nearby -OR- the city belongs to someone not at war with the enemy.
5) Once the refugees arrived at a city, they would automatically join it and become essentially foreign labourers, however they would keep a 'refugee' flag, meaning that they would not be assimilated, would not become specialists, and would have a 75% chance of returning to their parent Civ once the war was over. Any refugees that choose to remain would lose the flag.
6) Rule no. 6 does not apply if the Civ expelled the refugees itself.
7) Any action by anyone against refugees from a civ would generally have the result of pissing them off.
This is essentially an ancillary to the reugee idea. It would add a new action to military units, 'expel citizen'. This would work simply by giving the command and picking the citizen to expel. The expelled citizen would then become a refugee. Resisting citizens would be immune to expulsion. Each unit would only be allowed to expel one citizen per turn, and expelling citizens from another civ would tend to piss them off, as well as hurting your reputation.
Any comments/suggestions/further ideas?
Currently, I find it kind of unrealistic that bombers, artillery, ships etc. are capable of killing hundreds of thousands of people when they bombard. Attacking civilian populations can kill a lot of people, but not as many as it does in the game. With my idea, they would instead become refugees (as has happened historically, look at places like Kosovo).
The refugees would work like this.
1)They would be a new unit, much like a worker, except they would have their own 'AI' and would have a movement of 2, able to use anyone's roads but no-ones railroads (to stop them from being teleported around instantaneously).
2) They would be created if civilians were killed during bombardment, if a city was razed (in which case, part of the population would die, part would be enslaved, and the rest would become refugees), or if citizens were expelled from a city (see below).
3) Once the refugees were created, their first priority would be to get away from the enemy as fast as possible. To represent this, they would attempt to make sure that there would be no enemies that they knew of within one turn's travel of them.
4) As long as they were safe from enemy troops, their objective should be to find a city. They should go a city which fulfills the following conditions:
i) It is closer than any other city which fulfills these conditions.
ii) The addition of the refugees will not cause the city to starve.
iii) the addition of the refugees will not cause the city to go into disorder.
iv) There are no enemy troops nearby -OR- the city belongs to someone not at war with the enemy.
5) Once the refugees arrived at a city, they would automatically join it and become essentially foreign labourers, however they would keep a 'refugee' flag, meaning that they would not be assimilated, would not become specialists, and would have a 75% chance of returning to their parent Civ once the war was over. Any refugees that choose to remain would lose the flag.
6) Rule no. 6 does not apply if the Civ expelled the refugees itself.
7) Any action by anyone against refugees from a civ would generally have the result of pissing them off.
This is essentially an ancillary to the reugee idea. It would add a new action to military units, 'expel citizen'. This would work simply by giving the command and picking the citizen to expel. The expelled citizen would then become a refugee. Resisting citizens would be immune to expulsion. Each unit would only be allowed to expel one citizen per turn, and expelling citizens from another civ would tend to piss them off, as well as hurting your reputation.
Any comments/suggestions/further ideas?