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C3PTW Internet Dedicated Server?

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  • C3PTW Internet Dedicated Server?

    Hey all,

    The Internet game play aspect of Play the World isn't exactly clear at this point, other than using GameSpy.

    Will PTW have a dedicated internet server option? I'm the game administrator at an ISP, and I'd LOVE to put this up. I've got FPS overload. I'm a Civ fanatic from the original DOS version and this would be just incredible.
    EV1.NET Game Admin

  • #2
    I think its safe to say that PtW won't have a dedicated server option. Though I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
    My nickname in the PTW matchmaking system is Psygnosis.


    • #3
      I'm not sure either. I can't see it how it would work, but I won't be surprised if it's there.
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


      • #4
        It would be a shame if it doesn't have a dedicated server.

        As to how it would work, it wouldn't be any different than how most multiplayer fps work. A set of map rotations or random map spawns and server settings set in a config file and run from the command line (or in the case of Windows, a command line argument executed by a shortcut). The play modes are much like fps or other multiplayer strategy games - deathmatch, team deathmatch, goal/scenario.

        The dedicated server sends a heartbeat to a master server, which players match to with gamespy or an ingame browser and join the server of their choice.

        All very standard for multiplayer games.
        EV1.NET Game Admin


        • #5
          Actually, it seems unnecesary to have pre-settings for a dedicated server, instead people join it and whoever gets to it first can set what gametypes that the server has.

          I agree, though, it would be bad. Servers could do so much.


          • #6
            As opposed to a FPS, dedicated servers here wouldnt serve much of a purpose. You couldnt join mid game really and it would take a while for the next game to begin.
            "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

            "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


            • #7
              But, it would allow people to have games but not require everyone to be on at the same time. This could also be done with PBEM, but would require everyone to keep resending the package.


              • #8
                That's exactly the purpose of a dedicated server... a machine dedicated 24/7 to serving an automated game. You don't have to worry at 11pm if Johnny's mom is going to make him turn off his computer, hosting the game you're playing, so he can go to bed. I'll take my dedicated servers on redundant OC3s with redundant power backup, thanks.

                The option to join in midgame is a non-issue. There are a lot of games you can't join mid-round. Those game usually have Spectator modes for observing the running game and waiting in a queue for your turn. For a long-round game like Civ3, you can run multiple game servers (on same box even - no graphics engine soaking up memory) for extended play.

                With the innovations Firaxis is developing to alleviate the "long-wait round" problem of a turn based strategy game, it would be a waste not to implement a dedicated server.
                EV1.NET Game Admin


                • #9
                  CTP2 uses a series of dedicated servers and I believe (not sure though) that Civ2MP did the same. My guess is CIv3 will follow suit.
                  Try for discussion and debate.

