i was just playing a single player game of civ3 ::sigh:: and i was romping the zulu as persia.
they came to me begging for a treaty, so i made them hand over 3 border cities and 15 gold per turn.
when i went to check the border cities, all the people in them had turned into persians.
this would DEFINATELY be a problem in multiplayer, if you had a friend and you took over someones capital city, and thenm traded it back and forth, you could make it have none of the originial civ...
what would happen if a city had revolting people in it and it was traded in such a way.
thanks in advance, hope this helps you firaxians from rushing a new patch 3 days after PTW's release
they came to me begging for a treaty, so i made them hand over 3 border cities and 15 gold per turn.
when i went to check the border cities, all the people in them had turned into persians.

this would DEFINATELY be a problem in multiplayer, if you had a friend and you took over someones capital city, and thenm traded it back and forth, you could make it have none of the originial civ...
what would happen if a city had revolting people in it and it was traded in such a way.
thanks in advance, hope this helps you firaxians from rushing a new patch 3 days after PTW's release
