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SUGGESTION: Variable Corruption Slide

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SofaKing
    When I originally posted this I was not aware that the slide had been in the editor. However, since then I have fixed it and it works well in single player mode. Regardless, as stated above, how will this work in multiplayer? Unless there is some complex checks and validations, you will be forced to make a severe leap of faith when you play with anyone who has made a modification. I recall a few years ago playing Age of Empires online with some random guy who claimed to have only modified the name of his Civ. You can imagine my surprise when I moved in for the kill and encountered the cars from Twisted Metal devestating my knights and archers. That game represented about an hour wasted. If that happened in a game of CIV, it would be a significantly greater amount of time down the drain. My point is, if you're going to add Multiplayer funcitonality anyway, a few additions to the GUI is not a big deal.

    From what I understand... you'll be able to download someone else's mod before a game starts. It'll check if you have the mod, and if not, be given the option to download it.
    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


    • #17
      I'm not saying make it easier. Though I never plan on modding, I know that the editor is quite easy to use. All I'm saying is a) Firaxis went against one of their mission statements; and b) there is nothing wrong with making anything more efficient, unless it takes away from time better spent on more important stuff. That's it.

      If they included the slider, I probably wouldn't use it much. I like the game as it is. I'm just confused as to how Firaxis can say what they said, and then when anyone asks for something the typical response is "It's in the editor," which doesn't help those perfectionists out there (like me) who don't like to mess around with a good thing.


      • #18
        Yes, thrawn, why are you angry at sofaking- it is MUCH easier for people to access the slider if it is an initialization option, much like Civ 3's options.

        for people who don't want to see it as an option, then they could bypass the 'adjust this game' options!

        And in addition- Why should someone have to open and adjust an entirely different section of the game to accomplish something- make the game easier- please.
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        • #19
          Originally posted by DarkCloud
          Yes, thrawn, why are you angry at sofaking- it is MUCH easier for people to access the slider if it is an initialization option, much like Civ 3's options.

          for people who don't want to see it as an option, then they could bypass the 'adjust this game' options!

          And in addition- Why should someone have to open and adjust an entirely different section of the game to accomplish something- make the game easier- please.

          I'm not angry at sofaking... I just think the suggestion is pretty redundent considering there is also a corruption slid in the editor. Just slide it the way you like it... and save it as "My corruption slid" or what-not. You don't need to change anything else... so the game is still original.

          Next thing you know... people will be asking for a "lethal bombardment" option in the menu.
          I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

