i was just looking the pics over again, and i notcied the minimap and the tech being researched.
its 490 AD, and the island isnt completely colonized... and the spanish are researching Feudalism, quite slowly i might add.
anyway, it appears as if this is a MP game, without any AI influence.
usually the AI tech whoring leads to much more rapid tech research... by 490 AD people are running around with calvary and such.
the land grab seems to have been quite scarse... meaning no AI has had the oppurtunity to randomly colonize every possible crevasie in the map...
quite interesting to see Firaxis playing multiplayer without me.
there should be a contest where i can play sid. i bet i'd own him
i was just looking the pics over again, and i notcied the minimap and the tech being researched.
its 490 AD, and the island isnt completely colonized... and the spanish are researching Feudalism, quite slowly i might add.
anyway, it appears as if this is a MP game, without any AI influence.
usually the AI tech whoring leads to much more rapid tech research... by 490 AD people are running around with calvary and such.
the land grab seems to have been quite scarse... meaning no AI has had the oppurtunity to randomly colonize every possible crevasie in the map...
quite interesting to see Firaxis playing multiplayer without me.

there should be a contest where i can play sid. i bet i'd own him
