Originally posted by Mikhail
Israel won't since most of the world opposes the very fact that the country exists (and, as someone else said, it's really too young. Hebrews are an ethnic group, but not really a civilization. Or a Great civilization anyway)
Israel won't since most of the world opposes the very fact that the country exists (and, as someone else said, it's really too young. Hebrews are an ethnic group, but not really a civilization. Or a Great civilization anyway)
You are seriously wrong that the Hebrews weren't a civilization.
Let's see.... in antiquity the 1st Commonwealth lasted over 1000 years. The 2nd Commwealth lasted 250 years. During that time, the Hebrews produced fantastic achievements in architecture and literature-- primarily the Bible-- which became the basis of moral, ethical and religious beliefs for 3 billion people (2 billion Christians, 1 billion Moslems alone...).
I'd say a 4000 year history (with now about 1350 years of independence...) certainly qualifies as a "civilization"
Shame on you Arab posters for denigrating this achievement..... remember who came first, and where Muhammed drove his inspiration from (not just the Koran-- the Shaaria VERY closely resembles Jewish Oral law that preceeded it by 6 centuries).
Even after they lost independance, they became incredibly influential in commerce and science. Jewish scholars preserved the Greco-Roman heritage in Arab Spain, while Jewish merchants and money-lenders provided the economic backbone for the European reniassance and subsequent economic explosion.
Without Jewish/Hebrew skills, the Arabs and Europeans would still be statue worshippin' pagans, living in huts and drawing water from rivers.
I'd say that definately counts as being worthwhile.
Nevertheless, Euro and Arab Jew-hated will keep them from inclusion. And, in turn, will keep me from buying this expansion