This is going to be long.
You know, I feel kind of disappointed by the lack of different biomes represented in Civ3. It seems as if certain zones have been set up (i.e. jungle/grassland/desert/tundra/ocean), but the total number of terrain types is incredibly limited. In fact, according to the editor, a simple count gives only 12 types of unique terrain (three being water-based- coast, land, sea), plus the 'bonus' grassland, the pine forest, and the snow-capped mountain, which are essentially copies of the other terrain. I have been inspired by those interesting screenshots to post my hopeful ideas for new terrain.
In order to add these new terrain types, however, I would redo the entire shield, trade, and food system by multiplying all values by 1.5. Thus, pop points, tanks, and advances all cost 1.5 times as much. Thus, more variability can be added to the system, allowing more variability in the bonus system. So, a re-done terrain system would look something like this:
(Original Food/Shield/Trade; +irrigation/+mine/+road)
1) Grassland- 4/0/1; +2/+1/+2
The base value of grassland should be quite high. Irrigating a grassland square should add more food then shields (support more than two pop; +7 food w/ rr), and a mine should be worthless w/o a railroad. A road in grassland, though, should give more trade, as a road in an open, fertile area should give more trade than one in a closed area. Thus, a city in the plains may grow quickly, but will not produce very much as far as raw goods. A trade off that would encourage building in a less- fertile area.
Make a Grassland shield be 4/1/0 with the same improvement stats. The shield bonus is instead of the trade bonus
2) Plains- 3/1-2/0; +2/+1/+2
The base value of plains should give enough food to support 1 pop, and with irrigation support almost 2, but still generate a shield. Add variability in the plains section (with perhaps a different name) that gives a 3/2/0 square. Roads, again through an open area, should give more trade than a usual road.
Perhaps the 3/2/0 square should be called Savannah?
3) Desert- 1/1/0; +1/+1/+1
A desert square, by itself, should not support a pop point until railroads hit (for +3 food total). Trade should be minimal, as should shields.
4) Tundra- 1/0/0; --/--/+1
Tundra, by itself, should not support a pop point. Necessary resources can be found here, but even so, towns located in extreme areas should be tiny, like 3 pop max (w/o other terrain)
5) Flood Plain- 6/0/1; --/--/--
MAKE IT FLOOD- cover it with water 10% of the time, until a dike (new improvement) can be constructed. When covered with water, make it produce like a ‘tidal’ square. When a dike is finally constructed, allow +2/--/+2 improvements to be built on the square, to represent the alluvial ground that was reclaimed.
6) Barren Hills- 1/1/0; --/+1/+1
Mining here would give a suitable benefit (+3 total with rr), but it would still be less productive than the current hills represented in Civ3.
7) Fertile Hills- 3/2/0; --/+1/+1-2
Ala Imperialism2, make the hills green! Let stuff grow. With rr and mine, it would be 2/4/1, which would be much better (food wise) than any of the current hills. Without a mine, the hill should produce +2 trade, (mines should reduce the amount of trade in an area), and would then be 3/2/2.
8) Rolling Hills- 2-1/1/0; --/+3/+1-2
Mines here should be really good, but the penalty should be a loss of food and trade. Thus, it can be either 2/1/2 with only a road, or 1/6/1 with a mine and rr.
9) Glacial moraine - 1-0/2/0; --/+4/+1-2
This is a bad name, I’m sure, but if anyone can think of anything better, use it. Mines here should be excellent (think bonus resource excellent- 0/8/0 with rr) but no food can be somewhat drastic, especially if the environment is all hilly and there is not much excess food. All that glacier rubble should give some resources.
10) Mountains- 0/1/0; --/+2/+0-5
Should a road through a mountain give any trade? Only if it is the only road, or an important mountain pass. It is probably too late to code this, but it would be an interesting feature. If you control the only pass through a mountain range, there should be a bonus. If the mountain is surrounded by hills, there would be little trade in the square; hence +0. This means that the terrain would vary from 0/5/0 to 0/5/5, depending on strategic importance.
Snow-capped mountains should be the same
11) Permafrost- 2/0/0; --/+1/+1
Add a transition between plains/grasslands and tundra. Is this the right name?
12) Deciduous Forest- 2/2/0; --/--/+1
Use the first forest template from Civ3. Really cannot be improved with mines irrigation, but add a bonus resource here called ‘clearing’ that gives +2/+0/+1 (and make game give +3/+0/+0) Stuff should grow here. Good for early shields.
13) Coniferous Forest- 1/2/0; --/--/+1
A little colder, so food should be harder to come by. Clearing should be the same bonus as in a coniferous forest.
Taiga should be a different graphic, if possible, but have same stats (should add a little variety).
14) Jungle- 1/0/0; --/--/+0-5
Same deal as the mountain- if you have the only road through the jungle, the cash will come.
15) Rain Forest- 2/0/0; --/--/+1-5
I could use some help on the stats, here. I think it would be best represented like the jungle, but with different bonus materials. Same deal with the road, again.
16) Wasteland- 1/0/0; +1/+1/+1
Those terminally polluted squares should be bad, shouldn’t they? Make this a punishment for extreme polluters (if a square becomes polluted more than 2 times) or for the use of nuclear missiles. Watching croplands deteriorate could be devastating…
17) Swap- 1/0/0; --/+1/+1-5
Bring this Civ2 thing back! Allow a mine (especially with rr) to give this place some production, but most will end up getting drained. Same road deal.
18) Glacier- 0/0/0; --/+1/+0-1
This should come back, and in more areas than just the top row of the map. How about all that high- mountain ice?
Now, the water world…
18) Ocean- 0/0/0; --/--/--
Probably not profitable! I don’t think it can really be accessed in a city screen, due to the nature of the coast-sea-ocean progression
17) Sea- 1/0/1; --/--/--
Allow a harbor/platform to give +2/1/0, for a total of 3/1/1
19) Coast- 2/0/2; --/--/--
Coastal cities should be large. They always seem to be, and they always seem to end up with lots of trade. Let the game reflect that. Harbor should give the final harbor/platform complex give a total of 4/1/2- it would make the square more profitable than an non-irrigated plains.
20) Estuary- 3/0/3; --/--/+1
Lots of trade, some food. This is more of a land square than a sea square, but very water-based. However, there should be very few of these in the game. These don’t tend to be enormous
Perhaps this should be called ‘delta’ or ‘tidal?
21) Lake- a one tile coast square, but with a different graphic.
You know, all this variation on the map would be nice. I think having a few (2-3) different squares of each tile would be nice, but I don’t like how large sections of the map tend to be all ‘forest’ or all ‘hills’. I think a little more variety would be nice, even if it means just adding another tile set containing new looks for all the tiles.
Again, I think the critical step is increasing the number of food consumed by citizens by 50% so that each citizen eats 3. Thus, more specialization can be accomplished. Changing the other values for shields and trade would allow more diversity in those areas as well. One of the reasons why the game seems strange- to me- is that the biodiversity of earth is not reflected in Civ3. Feel free to add more or disagree, but please consider the above text.
Or perhaps I've spent too much time reading the biodiversity section of my AP Biology book. I'd better get back to Civ3.
I know I’m relatively new on the boards, but I read more than I post.
Thanks for slogging through this.
You know, I feel kind of disappointed by the lack of different biomes represented in Civ3. It seems as if certain zones have been set up (i.e. jungle/grassland/desert/tundra/ocean), but the total number of terrain types is incredibly limited. In fact, according to the editor, a simple count gives only 12 types of unique terrain (three being water-based- coast, land, sea), plus the 'bonus' grassland, the pine forest, and the snow-capped mountain, which are essentially copies of the other terrain. I have been inspired by those interesting screenshots to post my hopeful ideas for new terrain.
In order to add these new terrain types, however, I would redo the entire shield, trade, and food system by multiplying all values by 1.5. Thus, pop points, tanks, and advances all cost 1.5 times as much. Thus, more variability can be added to the system, allowing more variability in the bonus system. So, a re-done terrain system would look something like this:
(Original Food/Shield/Trade; +irrigation/+mine/+road)
1) Grassland- 4/0/1; +2/+1/+2
The base value of grassland should be quite high. Irrigating a grassland square should add more food then shields (support more than two pop; +7 food w/ rr), and a mine should be worthless w/o a railroad. A road in grassland, though, should give more trade, as a road in an open, fertile area should give more trade than one in a closed area. Thus, a city in the plains may grow quickly, but will not produce very much as far as raw goods. A trade off that would encourage building in a less- fertile area.
Make a Grassland shield be 4/1/0 with the same improvement stats. The shield bonus is instead of the trade bonus
2) Plains- 3/1-2/0; +2/+1/+2
The base value of plains should give enough food to support 1 pop, and with irrigation support almost 2, but still generate a shield. Add variability in the plains section (with perhaps a different name) that gives a 3/2/0 square. Roads, again through an open area, should give more trade than a usual road.
Perhaps the 3/2/0 square should be called Savannah?
3) Desert- 1/1/0; +1/+1/+1
A desert square, by itself, should not support a pop point until railroads hit (for +3 food total). Trade should be minimal, as should shields.
4) Tundra- 1/0/0; --/--/+1
Tundra, by itself, should not support a pop point. Necessary resources can be found here, but even so, towns located in extreme areas should be tiny, like 3 pop max (w/o other terrain)
5) Flood Plain- 6/0/1; --/--/--
MAKE IT FLOOD- cover it with water 10% of the time, until a dike (new improvement) can be constructed. When covered with water, make it produce like a ‘tidal’ square. When a dike is finally constructed, allow +2/--/+2 improvements to be built on the square, to represent the alluvial ground that was reclaimed.
6) Barren Hills- 1/1/0; --/+1/+1
Mining here would give a suitable benefit (+3 total with rr), but it would still be less productive than the current hills represented in Civ3.
7) Fertile Hills- 3/2/0; --/+1/+1-2
Ala Imperialism2, make the hills green! Let stuff grow. With rr and mine, it would be 2/4/1, which would be much better (food wise) than any of the current hills. Without a mine, the hill should produce +2 trade, (mines should reduce the amount of trade in an area), and would then be 3/2/2.
8) Rolling Hills- 2-1/1/0; --/+3/+1-2
Mines here should be really good, but the penalty should be a loss of food and trade. Thus, it can be either 2/1/2 with only a road, or 1/6/1 with a mine and rr.
9) Glacial moraine - 1-0/2/0; --/+4/+1-2
This is a bad name, I’m sure, but if anyone can think of anything better, use it. Mines here should be excellent (think bonus resource excellent- 0/8/0 with rr) but no food can be somewhat drastic, especially if the environment is all hilly and there is not much excess food. All that glacier rubble should give some resources.
10) Mountains- 0/1/0; --/+2/+0-5
Should a road through a mountain give any trade? Only if it is the only road, or an important mountain pass. It is probably too late to code this, but it would be an interesting feature. If you control the only pass through a mountain range, there should be a bonus. If the mountain is surrounded by hills, there would be little trade in the square; hence +0. This means that the terrain would vary from 0/5/0 to 0/5/5, depending on strategic importance.
Snow-capped mountains should be the same
11) Permafrost- 2/0/0; --/+1/+1
Add a transition between plains/grasslands and tundra. Is this the right name?
12) Deciduous Forest- 2/2/0; --/--/+1
Use the first forest template from Civ3. Really cannot be improved with mines irrigation, but add a bonus resource here called ‘clearing’ that gives +2/+0/+1 (and make game give +3/+0/+0) Stuff should grow here. Good for early shields.
13) Coniferous Forest- 1/2/0; --/--/+1
A little colder, so food should be harder to come by. Clearing should be the same bonus as in a coniferous forest.
Taiga should be a different graphic, if possible, but have same stats (should add a little variety).
14) Jungle- 1/0/0; --/--/+0-5
Same deal as the mountain- if you have the only road through the jungle, the cash will come.
15) Rain Forest- 2/0/0; --/--/+1-5
I could use some help on the stats, here. I think it would be best represented like the jungle, but with different bonus materials. Same deal with the road, again.
16) Wasteland- 1/0/0; +1/+1/+1
Those terminally polluted squares should be bad, shouldn’t they? Make this a punishment for extreme polluters (if a square becomes polluted more than 2 times) or for the use of nuclear missiles. Watching croplands deteriorate could be devastating…
17) Swap- 1/0/0; --/+1/+1-5
Bring this Civ2 thing back! Allow a mine (especially with rr) to give this place some production, but most will end up getting drained. Same road deal.
18) Glacier- 0/0/0; --/+1/+0-1
This should come back, and in more areas than just the top row of the map. How about all that high- mountain ice?
Now, the water world…
18) Ocean- 0/0/0; --/--/--
Probably not profitable! I don’t think it can really be accessed in a city screen, due to the nature of the coast-sea-ocean progression
17) Sea- 1/0/1; --/--/--
Allow a harbor/platform to give +2/1/0, for a total of 3/1/1
19) Coast- 2/0/2; --/--/--
Coastal cities should be large. They always seem to be, and they always seem to end up with lots of trade. Let the game reflect that. Harbor should give the final harbor/platform complex give a total of 4/1/2- it would make the square more profitable than an non-irrigated plains.
20) Estuary- 3/0/3; --/--/+1
Lots of trade, some food. This is more of a land square than a sea square, but very water-based. However, there should be very few of these in the game. These don’t tend to be enormous
Perhaps this should be called ‘delta’ or ‘tidal?
21) Lake- a one tile coast square, but with a different graphic.
You know, all this variation on the map would be nice. I think having a few (2-3) different squares of each tile would be nice, but I don’t like how large sections of the map tend to be all ‘forest’ or all ‘hills’. I think a little more variety would be nice, even if it means just adding another tile set containing new looks for all the tiles.
Again, I think the critical step is increasing the number of food consumed by citizens by 50% so that each citizen eats 3. Thus, more specialization can be accomplished. Changing the other values for shields and trade would allow more diversity in those areas as well. One of the reasons why the game seems strange- to me- is that the biodiversity of earth is not reflected in Civ3. Feel free to add more or disagree, but please consider the above text.
Or perhaps I've spent too much time reading the biodiversity section of my AP Biology book. I'd better get back to Civ3.
I know I’m relatively new on the boards, but I read more than I post.
Thanks for slogging through this.