Interesting AAR notes Hot Enamel. Are you going to write these up and post them when (if) the game ever finishes?
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Islands in the Stream - PBEM
The Greeks have learnt their lesson ... Perhaps the Indians should also be careful NOT upset the Roman Empire.
Alas...I am WAY to LaZY to do any AAR notes. 6 PBEM's, ISDG, PTWDG, PTWIIDG... I can bearly keep up with all the wars I am winning...they are just a blur.
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... Perhaps the Indians should also be careful NOT upset the Roman Empire.
Too bad you're not on our little island
And sent.Safer worlds through superior firepower
When I was getting ready for this game, I ran the settings through the map generator in the editor. A few times it threw up strange starts with 2 people on an island, but I never saw three before. Its a shame as I was hoping for a tight race for the lighthouse, but I imagine if any of you did build it then one of the others would have spent that 300 shields on a ten man swordsman army, and just take it right off you. So just to be safe, you should all build ten swords and leave the lighthouse to meSafer worlds through superior firepower