We'll play as soon as we decide on civs. Where's Trickey?
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Strat Forum PBEM: Game 1
My preferences were 1) Americans, and 2) French. I guess the strat. forum has influenced us all in the same way! We all think alike.
I'll take Egypt then.
I PMed Trickey last night and he was online this morning but didn't read the PM. Three civs on a tiny map, anyone?
I would guess they are about the same. But the distance between civs (as given in the editor) is greater for a small map than it is for a tiny map.
Welcome jshelr! Thanks for stepping in. I updated the initial post. I'll send the game to Dominae soon.
A couple of things to keep in mind for PBEM games to work properly (although you probably all know this):
1) Always load the game from the Multiplayer screen, not as you do a SP game. Make sure that Accelerated Production is off each time.
2) Never save your game before you have ended your turn. If you do that, when you reload, you will have already gone through a turn of production.
4000 B.C. sent to Dominae
Diplomacy question: are we allowed to do things that we can't do within the game? For example, are we allowed to communicate with other players before we meet them in the game? Can we exchange minimaps before we have MapMaking? Can we have alliances without an embassy?
I vote no to all.
Sir R
Guys in the PBEM forum came up with the following common sense approach that could provide raw material for your codex
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Are we to use this thread to indicate when we've sent the turn off to the next person? Personally, this process does nothing for me, as I check my mail and 'Poly at the same time.
I'll send the turn off in a few...
Good luck to all!
DominaeAnd her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
Originally posted by jshelr
Guys in the PBEM forum came up with the following common sense approach that could provide raw material for your codex
Originally posted by Sir Ralph
We should create some kind of Strategy forum codex. It should include to respect these rules (diplomacy only after making contact, using the in-game features for diplomacy) and to load the game in a correct way.
I put one up in the strat forum. Let me know what you think.