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Double or Nothing Turn Posts

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  • #46
    We agreed not to use accelerated production.
    But, no matter how I load the game, it is switched on.

    Now what ?


    • #47
      Before we abandon this game, let's make sure that everyone is "reading" their accelerated prod. correctly. I'm at work, so I don't have PTW on this computer.

      Someone please define how to determine and then everyone can check on their next turn. Let's try this before anything else.

      In all likelihood, the accel. prod. is ON for some and OFF for others. In which case, we must find a way to make it even for everyone. Any ideas?

      Final option, start over


      • #48
        Determining is very easy.
        If your warrior takes 10 shields to build, you do not have accelerated production.
        If it takes only 5 shields to build, you do.


        • #49
          Flandrien, go to the Multiplayer screen, select "Host", make sure Acc.Prod. is switched off, and under "Game Mode" select "Load Game" and load the game. Does it still have Acc.Prod. on?
          Care for some gopher?

          Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


          • #50
            I see your point delmar
            1. I loaded the game without changing anything and it has Accel. Prod. ON
            2. I de-select Accel. Prod. and then load the save. Accel Prod. is OFF.

            As far as my save, I have the power to turn Acc. Prod. OFF or ON.


            • #51
              Originally posted by delmar
              Flandrien, go to the Multiplayer screen, select "Host", make sure Acc.Prod. is switched off, and under "Game Mode" select "Load Game" and load the game. Does it still have Acc.Prod. on?
              Before I select the save game, is switched OFF.
              After I load it and before I press launch, it is switched ON, and I can no longer switch it off.


              • #52

                Are you running version 1.14f?


                • #53
                  Whopps!! Double Post...Trying to up my post counts
                  Last edited by lmtoops; December 31, 2002, 15:02.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by lmtoops
                    Are you running version 1.14f?
                    And I had no problems with previous turns.


                    • #55
                      I don't know what to tell you. Let's wait until next turn and maybe it will fix it self. Since it never happened before, maybe it was delivered to you that way.

                      If it reverts back to normal production, then there is no advantage and all is well. This may be a reacurring problem throughout the game (bug!!) If so, there will only be an advantage if the bug occurs on the same turn a uniit/improvement is completed. In this instance a complete turn will be saved. I think we should handle this situation when it occurs. Until then, let's play on.

                      Where is the sav? Delmar, I think it's your turn for Hot_E


                      • #56
                        Flandrien hasn't played his turn because of the problem mentioned above. He asked me to play instead of him but I got confused when Enamel said he would leave and then yet he played his turn (or so it seems to me), so I am not sure which year we are in. Would be cool if you mentioned the year when you say "sent" in this thread.

                        It would also help if we could stick to the same file name convention across the board. How about "DONto<civ><year>.SAV"?
                        Care for some gopher?

                        Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                        • #57
                          Update: I received the SAV from Flandrien and I can't turn off accelerated production either.

                          What now?
                          Care for some gopher?

                          Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                          • #58
                            keep playing 1 more round to see if it fixes itself.

                            I it's still not right, then we must start over.

                            That's my opinion.


                            • #59
                              The silence in this thread is deafening. Has every one thrown in the towel?


                              • #60
                                OK - I am back, 1 day rained out

                                Delmar - Sorry about that..yep I played 1 extra turn before walking out the door.

                                I have just checked my saves.
                                3650bc has accelerated production off
                                3600bc has accelerated production on

                                I cant seem to switch them off or on by doing the multiplayer load trick !

                                Here is an option...we can go back to my 3650bc save ?

                                Does anyone else have any later saves that have accelerated production off ?

                                "No Comment"

