This is the turn Reporting Thread for the "Dawn-Of-Time" game.
Players are, in turn sequence,
ColDark - English
Pggar - Indians
Panzer32 - Chinese
Game Type: PBEM (Patched to 1.14f)
Game Mode: Standard
Turn Timer: Slow (has no effect in PBEM Games)
World Size: Standard
Barbarian Activity: Roaming
Land Mass: Continents
Water Coverage: 70%
Climate: Normal
Temperature: Temperate
Age: 4 Billion
Difficulty: Regent
No AI Players
Game Rules:
Allow Domination Victory
Allow Space Race Victory
Allow Diplomatic Victory
Allow Conquest Victory
Allow Cultural Victory
Preserve Random Seed
Please Note: I am away from home from Wednesday 18th Evening until Saturday 21st - So I MAY be unable to take my turns between those dates .
Players are, in turn sequence,
ColDark - English
Pggar - Indians
Panzer32 - Chinese
Game Type: PBEM (Patched to 1.14f)
Game Mode: Standard
Turn Timer: Slow (has no effect in PBEM Games)
World Size: Standard
Barbarian Activity: Roaming
Land Mass: Continents
Water Coverage: 70%
Climate: Normal
Temperature: Temperate
Age: 4 Billion
Difficulty: Regent
No AI Players
Game Rules:
Allow Domination Victory
Allow Space Race Victory
Allow Diplomatic Victory
Allow Conquest Victory
Allow Cultural Victory
Preserve Random Seed
Please Note: I am away from home from Wednesday 18th Evening until Saturday 21st - So I MAY be unable to take my turns between those dates .
