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Double or nothing PBEM

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  • Double or nothing PBEM

    I am looking to start a new PBEM.

    - Large, wet, warm, pangea, 60% water, 5 bill. year world.
    - No ruins.
    - No AI civs.
    - Accelerated production.

    I need approx. 4 other players and one administrator/moderator.

  • #2
    Count me in.

    Random Civ is fine for me
    "No Comment"


    • #3
      Oh yes, I want to play Mao of the Chinese.

      And to motivate candidate moderators: I will moderate a game of yours if you moderate mine.


      • #4

        I would be interested in moderating your game for the simple reason that I would like to find out how this is/can be done.

        Do you have any suggestions and/or requirements for your moderator?


        Care for some gopher?

        Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


        • #5
          What is this moderating thingie? Is this the guy who just sets up the game? If so, why do you need candidates?
          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


          • #6
            Tasks of the moderator:

            1. Set up the game.
            2. Receive a copy of each turn of the game.
            When a player does not play his turn in, let's say 2 days, you open the turn, play it yourself (minimal actions), and send it to the next player.

            If you want to know more about PBEM and moderating, read the very interesting document about it from Keygen in this thread .


            • #7
              Originally posted by Flandrien
              Tasks of the moderator:

              1. Set up the game.
              2. Receive a copy of each turn of the game.
              When a player does not play his turn in, let's say 2 days, you open the turn, play it yourself (minimal actions), and send it to the next player.
              I can do this if you want me to.

              The document you refer to below talks about a whole lot more things though. I have some concerns about the "Permanent Replacements", "Cheating check" and "Fight resolving" parts in particular. I am not sure how I could find a permanent replacement for someone or prevent someone from cheating/flaming others.

              If you want to know more about PBEM and moderating, read the very interesting document about it from Keygen in this thread .
              Very interesting indeed. I think everyone who joins this game should read this document. And on a general note, maybe we should create a recruitment center for PtW.
              Care for some gopher?

              Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


              • #8
                Btw, are you sure you want to play on a Large map with 4 players? Will be a long one, even with accelerated production...
                Care for some gopher?

                Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                • #9
                  Including me, that's five players.
                  And yes, I intend for a long game.

                  Delmar, you don't need to read everything from the document.
                  Some things (like the cheating part) are CTP specific.

                  Well, where are those candidates ?


                  • #10
                    If there is still room and you need another player, I'll volunteer.
                    Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Flandrien
                      Including me, that's five players.
                      And yes, I intend for a long game.

                      Delmar, you don't need to read everything from the document.
                      OK then, as I said I can set up the game for you and "next" people who don't play for 48 hours. I'll PM you with my email address.
                      Care for some gopher?

                      Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!


                      • #12
                        Which civ, jshelr ?


                        • #13
                          Egypt if available.

                          Americans second choice, believe it or not.

                          Iriquois, if needed.

                          Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                          • #14
                            to make things more neutral

                            When a player does not play his turn in, let's say 2 days, you open the turn, play it yourself (minimal actions), and send it to the next player.
                            If someone has to be away for while, I'm happy to play a few tuns in that persons place
                            Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                            Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                            • #15
                              Just a few turns ?
                              Why not join the game ?

