If no one else takes any civs in the Mesopotamia-India region, switch me to Persia.
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Anyone interested in playing PBEM on Earth map?
I'm not the only one in charge of the huts/babarians... Just tell me, what settings you'd like for them, and then we'll just before the game starts, see how people "vote" on the different options...
Personally, I wouldn't care about if they're on or not, since both is fun
Eli >> For now, you're set to Persians thenThis space is empty... or is it?
Originally posted by ADG
huts/babarians... Just tell me, what settings you'd like for them
Originally posted by ADG
How many people should be in the game? 5?
This is a neat idea. Iriquois please if there is room in the game. Can we use Marla's map with civs sited "properly?"
It's going to take approximately forever to play the game, but that is ok.
BTW, the Aztec choice is clever. No one starts in South AmericaIllegitimi Non Carborundum
If we say, Max 6 players, then the game is filled if Conqueror, Dissident and jshelr is in the game.
The reason I didn't pick Marla's map, was: AFAIR that map is bigger, and the starting positions haven't been set...
Conqueror >> Which Civ would you want to play as?
As for AI's. I wouldn't mind having them in the game, but I wouldn't mind not having them in either... What do you others think?
BTW: When shall we start the game? Monday? During the weekend? Later?This space is empty... or is it?
As for AI's. I wouldn't mind having them in the game, but I wouldn't mind not having them in either... What do you others think?
I think we should skip them.
But I see a possible problem concerning the civ choice.
At this point, every civ has an entire region to expand to, without competition.
Dissident and Jshelr have North/South America, Ananias has Western Europe and the British Isles and I have the India and the Middle East region.
If Conqueror or ADG's random civ are in one of these areas, some players will have huge advantages over others.
For example, if someone picks America then Jshelr will be in problems, or Ananias if someone picks the French, or myself if someone takes Babylon.
So IMO, since we all know the map and the civ locations arent random, to keep the game balanced every player should have his "own" region."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
As for AI's. I wouldn't mind having them in the game, but I wouldn't mind not having them in either... What do you others think?
In second thought, maybe they can be used to fill unused regions, like Africa, East Asia or maybe even Russia(if no one picks a civ there of course).
We should have huts, and barbarians, but not too much of them."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
up to 3 AI should be used to fill empty regions
(whats the point of multiplayer if AI abounds?)
(# of human players)/2 > or = # of AI
We should have some huts, but I think its silly when you can pick up your first 8 techs just by letting a couple scouts walk around, so not too many.
I would encourage Conquerer to pick a civ for the sake of maintaining regions. then we can pick AIs that we know wont start too close to anyone.
There are still four free regions.
Northern Africa and South Europe - Carthage, Egypt, Rome, Greece, Spain... Maybe someone else.
South&Central Africa - Zulus, err... and the others.
Oceania - No one starts there, but we can make some custom realistic civ like the Aborigines.
East Asia - China, Japan, the Mongols, the Koreans.
East Europe, Russia - Russia... and that's it I think."Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.