Hi all,
I've been programming my little fingers off, and have created what I hope to be a usefull tool for PBEM games on my web site.
The pages will allow a 'Game Manager' to create a game,
specifying various attributes such as the title, description, number of players etc.
Then other players can Join in the game, picking their Civilization and supplying email when doing so.
When the manager starts the game, they chage the status to 'in play' and we are off to the races.
The game manager sets up the game, plays his/her move and then submits the file to the web site.
The next player is informed by email that its their turn, they can go to web site and retreive the game file.
When that player submits, the next player is mailed a notification.
When it gets back around to the manager, they increase the year counter, and start the cycle again.
I've tested it best I can by myself, but reall need some real games, and feedback to get this all working, and add any needed features.
Things I want to add are:
- See games your not playing, so you can grab file and peek at them
- How to handle when a player is eliminated, I assume the turn skips them and on to next, but am not sure. So any suggestions on how this really works and I program it in.
-Automatic Year Increments ( I just need to get the rules on the increments, I saw them once, but can't find them back).
Please zip your files before putting them in, as I do no not have unlimited disk space, and they are 1/10 the size when compressed.
So I think it's basically working, maybe some features to be added and managers functions, so any feedback would be great!
Site is http://www.kamstra.ca
PBEM is on Left Menu
You have to create an account on site to access features, IT IS FREE ($5 is for non CIV3 Stuff, so you need not pay).
email any feedback via the 'Feedback' function on the Left Menu.
Thanks _CanadianBacon_
I've been programming my little fingers off, and have created what I hope to be a usefull tool for PBEM games on my web site.
The pages will allow a 'Game Manager' to create a game,
specifying various attributes such as the title, description, number of players etc.
Then other players can Join in the game, picking their Civilization and supplying email when doing so.
When the manager starts the game, they chage the status to 'in play' and we are off to the races.
The game manager sets up the game, plays his/her move and then submits the file to the web site.
The next player is informed by email that its their turn, they can go to web site and retreive the game file.
When that player submits, the next player is mailed a notification.
When it gets back around to the manager, they increase the year counter, and start the cycle again.
I've tested it best I can by myself, but reall need some real games, and feedback to get this all working, and add any needed features.
Things I want to add are:
- See games your not playing, so you can grab file and peek at them
- How to handle when a player is eliminated, I assume the turn skips them and on to next, but am not sure. So any suggestions on how this really works and I program it in.
-Automatic Year Increments ( I just need to get the rules on the increments, I saw them once, but can't find them back).
Please zip your files before putting them in, as I do no not have unlimited disk space, and they are 1/10 the size when compressed.
So I think it's basically working, maybe some features to be added and managers functions, so any feedback would be great!
Site is http://www.kamstra.ca
PBEM is on Left Menu
You have to create an account on site to access features, IT IS FREE ($5 is for non CIV3 Stuff, so you need not pay).
email any feedback via the 'Feedback' function on the Left Menu.
Thanks _CanadianBacon_