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PBEM slow !

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  • #46
    The attachment you sent me won't work. PTW can't open it, it's something called Polysav.sav or something which isn't the name PTW encodes into the save. Did you send me the wrong file?


    • #47
      Sent to Hot_Enamel.

      (I think UnOrthO intentionally gave me the French.....)


      • #48
        Got it

        And here is the first round

        I'm Aztec and all I can see is JUNGLE !
        Attached Files
        "No Comment"


        • #49
          You guys want to restart? My position is not bad, but I had to move a few times...
          Attached Files
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • #50
            if ur gonna make a call to restart make it now or forever hold ur peasce (like i am doin)

            and maybe we should since all of us are ranting about our position. That and maybe we can spare genghis with something other than a pink civ.. and maybe ill change my civ as well.
            Attached Files


            • #51
              But I like complaining

              My start is crap, but I am still willing to go forward, or do a restart.

              Whatever you guys decide
              "No Comment"


              • #52
                I'm okay with a restart but will live with the French. Hey, at least their Industrious.


                • #53
                  OK. I made a new game and sent it to Calc II.

                  We each vote on which game we would prefer playing out.

                  I got english in the new one, so I vote old one but will play this out too as it may actually be a better starting locale...

                  Anyway sent to Calc from my AOL address subject PBEM.
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #54
                    gargh even ur aol mail was placed on junk mail.. i shoud lower my filter a little bit..

                    anyways, I didn't ask for a civ change, but I like the Romans as well. You put random Im assuming. I like them both so, this save file is fine wit me. The last save file is also okay.. I like them both equally and it seems as I underestimated the starting position in the first save.

                    Personally though, my vote goes to second file. But theres no reason why I shouldn't be able to play the first file either.

                    Ya could have rerolled the game without us knowing... You did start the game, you could have restarted until your starting was at least satisfactory. (well thanx for being honest, but it'd be stupid to restart again because you dont like ur position )

                    EDIT: Mail has been sent to Ghengis

                    EDIT2: Crap I am getting paranoid and cant recall if I added password. Why am I so obsessive? ugh I'll send you another file just in case, so we dont figure it out until the turn is complete. I dont wanna have people b!tchin at me when I request to go back a turn.
                    Last edited by Zero; December 9, 2002, 11:36.


                    • #55
                      Okay, emailed on to Hot_Enamel. And do NOT send back to me as I am not in this game. I retired as there is NO WAY I am going to play as India.

                      There are a lot of civs I would be willing to play but India is pretty much at the bottom of the list.


                      • #56

                        That would be right....
                        GhengisFarb retires when I get the Chinese

                        Here is the saved game

                        I dont mind playing on with the three of us...or going back to game 1

                        Or play both


                        Attached Files
                        "No Comment"


                        • #57
                          I had a good start postion, shielded grasslands, 3 cows and a Gem. I just would be absolutely miserable playing India.


                          • #58
                            Ghengis will you stay if we play game 1?

                            or how about start game three and dont do random?


                            • #59
                              I'll play as long as I'm not playing a civ I can't stand (mainly India).

                              Do people want to choose their civs?


                              • #60
                                I would like to play
                                Any civ is fine with me....even India

                                Make me random
                                "No Comment"

