Congraulations yet again 
Thank you for your warnings. My country is alive with troop movements, and I have a two ready forces in reserve for any incursions into my homelands.
My scouts at Chopping Block Fort can see a stack of Sipahi. Marechal Harvard and XXX Corp Cav have been dispatched. One stack of 7 have been destroyed, just to highlight a further stack of 12 more. I have thus dispatched Marechal Davout's Cuirasiers. Unfortuanately the Ottomen may escape into the heartlands of Austria.
These may make it into France, but the cost for the Ottoman will be high.
Closer to Mostar, two smaller stacks of Sipahi have been spotted. These have been planted back into the soil, expect good crops here in the coming years.
With these victories came further insight onlong the coast near Mostar. Five stacks of Janissary have been spotted. One of 12, one of 8, others of 3 and 2...
I do believe that they are bypassing Chopping Block Fort, heading for our Homelands, the Ottoman will pay, as my units have been able to manouvre out very comfortably.
The battle of Dnepropetrovsk has begun. I will bombard this city for a few turns before moving my men in.
The Battle of Chisinau has begun. The battaries of the Guard have opened up like that sound of thunder. This battle raged for most of the day, before the city lay in ruins.
Here Napoleon swung the Old Guard on to Odessa. Marechal Ney took this challenge and leapt at Odessa. With the help of the Old Guard Cuirassiers Odessa is also a smoking pile of rubble.
With these two cities smashed, Napoleon is turning his two stacks towards Chopping Block Fort. This will leave Kriyvyyth Rith standing. But brings a consolidation of French forces.
Vienna stands strong, like a pillar in a mist of blood. Although I have sustained massive losses in this endeavour, I would do it again. For I believe that this battle has drawn many of the Austrian forces to this one point. Thus allowing my troops in other quadrants greater flexibility.
Some trajic news. The Swedes have left St Petersburg in ruins. It must have been a wild battle.
Further Battles with the Swede are taking place in Oslo, and in the Baltic.
Along with the riots in these Northern Towns, I have some tough decisions ahead.

Thank you for your warnings. My country is alive with troop movements, and I have a two ready forces in reserve for any incursions into my homelands.
My scouts at Chopping Block Fort can see a stack of Sipahi. Marechal Harvard and XXX Corp Cav have been dispatched. One stack of 7 have been destroyed, just to highlight a further stack of 12 more. I have thus dispatched Marechal Davout's Cuirasiers. Unfortuanately the Ottomen may escape into the heartlands of Austria.
These may make it into France, but the cost for the Ottoman will be high.
Closer to Mostar, two smaller stacks of Sipahi have been spotted. These have been planted back into the soil, expect good crops here in the coming years.
With these victories came further insight onlong the coast near Mostar. Five stacks of Janissary have been spotted. One of 12, one of 8, others of 3 and 2...
I do believe that they are bypassing Chopping Block Fort, heading for our Homelands, the Ottoman will pay, as my units have been able to manouvre out very comfortably.
The battle of Dnepropetrovsk has begun. I will bombard this city for a few turns before moving my men in.
The Battle of Chisinau has begun. The battaries of the Guard have opened up like that sound of thunder. This battle raged for most of the day, before the city lay in ruins.
Here Napoleon swung the Old Guard on to Odessa. Marechal Ney took this challenge and leapt at Odessa. With the help of the Old Guard Cuirassiers Odessa is also a smoking pile of rubble.
With these two cities smashed, Napoleon is turning his two stacks towards Chopping Block Fort. This will leave Kriyvyyth Rith standing. But brings a consolidation of French forces.
Vienna stands strong, like a pillar in a mist of blood. Although I have sustained massive losses in this endeavour, I would do it again. For I believe that this battle has drawn many of the Austrian forces to this one point. Thus allowing my troops in other quadrants greater flexibility.
Some trajic news. The Swedes have left St Petersburg in ruins. It must have been a wild battle.
Further Battles with the Swede are taking place in Oslo, and in the Baltic.
Along with the riots in these Northern Towns, I have some tough decisions ahead.