Mar, 1801AD Turn sent to Shogun.
Shogun, Thanks for Code Civil. Our Empire will have Seapower in 8 turns from now.
King Paddy, yes your cannons are apprieciated - however, whould you be so kind as to hold off on bombarding until I'm a few turn away from landing? I want to give my troops something to do after their long voyage!
Concerning the naval blockade - I concur, move the bockade back one tile and give the populace of Marsielles some place to harvest some food - after all, we're not against the French populace but rather the evil that is Bonaparte.
As King Paddy has already noted, a second force is already forming for a cross-country campaign - my Ottoman Knights (Sipahis) will be heading out of Ottoman controlled territory in the next few turns. Once this force gets closer to French territory, they will need directions from the Coalition as to where on the front they can be used or what region needs reinforcing/relief.
Shogun, Thanks for Code Civil. Our Empire will have Seapower in 8 turns from now.
King Paddy, yes your cannons are apprieciated - however, whould you be so kind as to hold off on bombarding until I'm a few turn away from landing? I want to give my troops something to do after their long voyage!

Concerning the naval blockade - I concur, move the bockade back one tile and give the populace of Marsielles some place to harvest some food - after all, we're not against the French populace but rather the evil that is Bonaparte.

As King Paddy has already noted, a second force is already forming for a cross-country campaign - my Ottoman Knights (Sipahis) will be heading out of Ottoman controlled territory in the next few turns. Once this force gets closer to French territory, they will need directions from the Coalition as to where on the front they can be used or what region needs reinforcing/relief.
