Originally posted by Rommel2D
I didn't mean to question the accuracy, so much as to clarify if this was only for those 'moved' units in a stack. I guess it would have to be for this to be an exploit. Now Snotty's post is confusing me- how could you use the 'fortify all' order for a landing party? Does unloading outside a city still ends a unit's turn, or is this another undocumented rule change? Or were they a 'landed party'? ;-)
I didn't mean to question the accuracy, so much as to clarify if this was only for those 'moved' units in a stack. I guess it would have to be for this to be an exploit. Now Snotty's post is confusing me- how could you use the 'fortify all' order for a landing party? Does unloading outside a city still ends a unit's turn, or is this another undocumented rule change? Or were they a 'landed party'? ;-)
As for using 'fortify all' on a landing party - you can do that, that's the problem. ANY stack, even a stack of units that have no movement points left (like a stack of units just landing), allows the 'fortify all' command on them.